It is my personal project. Sculpted in Zbrush (using reference from a concept art somewhere on the internet I did remember) Used Zremesher for low-poly model (not quite low poly it was not intended to use in game, perhap UE5 in the future ) Baked in Marmoset Texture painted in Painter Set dressed and lighting work in UE4 using
I feel like the fog could use a lot of work. If the mist was slightly obscuring the monster, it would give a lot of mystery to the scene. Regarding the monster, I think the slime drops are too large, it makes the creature feel not as big. If the environment had some street lights in it, as well as the ground broken where it was stepping down, it would help sell it a lot. I think the creature sculpt looks cool, love the colours and vibe of the scene
Agree I am not happy with the slime much i have to spend more time on it. About the fog I can make it a bit thinker but not as thick as in the movie The Mist.