Hello guys
So. Dead simple model. We need a illusion of smooth radius chamfer (fillet) shading on the edges by modyfy vertex normals.
In 3dsMax its easilly achieve by spreading smooth groups as i shown on picture. I.e. top polygon are simultaneous have 1 and 2 smooth group, and oposite side polygons have only one smooth groups 1 or 2.
After that we drop a EditNormals modifier on top, select top polygon and click "Selected" on Avarage section of the modifier for correct vertex normals.
In blender we doesnt have smooth groups and out shading will become wierd.
Is there any way to achieve same results in blender? Making sides edges as Sharp - doesn change anything.
1. Creating geometry and mark sides edges as Sharp.
2. Select top polygon. Mesh > Normals > Average > Face area