Hello everyone. I hope you are all doing well.
In this post, I wanna ask about the process of turning a kitbashed-concept art into a game-ready prop.
The mechanical guts of the drone (see in 2 pictures above) are kinda dense and detail for a game prop. I intend to UV unwrap this drone for texturing in Substance Painter but I don't know what I should be doing with all the mechanic detail.
The best experience is to try it yourself. Limit yourself to optimizing just a small segment of the interior, so it goes quicker, and bake from high to low, finishing the material, and viewing in-engine from typical gameplay distances.
Examine existing games to see how much detail they use, and where they make tradeoffs.
This will give you a first-hand experience with how well (or not) these kinds of decisions work.
Still I make a small suggestion: