HELOOO GUYS, I have started a new character, my fav from star wars: ANAKIN SKYWALKER.
So You should expect constant updates on this project as I am working on this pretty much everyday

ALSO, I'll be sharing some tips from what I learn through this project

, so stay tuned!
So this is just a recent update I did on the character, After working in MArvleous, I fixed the clothing in Zbrush to add more weight to it!
Still missing some parts to the outfit, but I am pretty much done with the overall look!
I should update the head very soon, no worries if it looks bad right now haha
You can follow my progress on Instagram:
@annaberu.chan or

Update on the details of the clothing, and made the hair quickly (Will definitely be deleted shortly after, they were just there to help visualize)
I think I'm going to switch back to the first version of pants I made. I prefer them tighter.
I used HPolish a lot and DamStandard to do the 2 pieces of leather fabric on top. I wanted to have harsh edges to communicate that the fabric is not flexible.
Really appreciate the feedback, I'll definitely work on those issues! With just your paint over I could really tell the difference it would make to change the leather parts
(Also really grateful to have some tips from a pro like you! I recognized your Samurai piece on ArtStation which is really stunning, this time tho I didn't forget to follow haha)
Reminder: This is Hayden Christensen As Anakin Skywalker.
Only thing I am wondering now is: Should I make him angry looking or not... Cause that would mean more work lol, I quite honestly I'm scared of ruining his looks. Any tips on that? ARIGATO AGAIN
I'm not sure about the new distance you gave to the face though! (I could be wrong of course)
I have made a draw over of the actor's picture on my sculpt and the features seem to match each other.
Maybe not right on, but I am still working a lot with the symmetry on.
I also made sure the face is respecting the proportions (1/3 forehead/eyebrow/nose/chin) eye distance, etc.
Anyways let me know if there is anything else, maybe I am in the wrong here!
** Oh and I am working with perspective activated angle of view 35
I tried to make some shape more apparent this time around, for instance, the temporalis
(Also the previous gif I posted is way too fast, sorry about that :,)
- Dark blue - his temporal ridge is more defined around the eye socket then gradually fades out as it goes further back toward the top of his head
- Pink - he has a larger zygomatic bone that rounds off and makes his face a bit wider
- Red - he has a slightly more defined rounded mouth muzzle

- Cyan - Your nose wings end a bit prematurely, they infact wrap round up into his nose, they are also more rounded and have more form to them.
- Yellow - your version of his lips is missing a bit more cupids-bow-ness to them, his is very slight, but its there, ive exageratted it a bit in the paint over.
- Dark blue - ive sqaure out and pulled out his jaw a bit, he has a more defined masseter and square off chin

- Green - Ive noticed on your characters in general you have very thin upper and lower eyelids, particularly around the outer corners. eyelids have deceptively more thickness than you think, especially on the top. Experiment by pulling them out more or by pushing the eye in more, push it until it looks ridiculous then pull it back (when painting i always make things too desaturated, so i whack the saturation way up and then pull it back gradually, and i always notice how grey my paintings are :P )
- Greenish blue (around the eye bag) - his eye bag has a bit more puffiness or roundness nearer the inner corner of his eye then fades out and blends with his eye socket.
- Finally his supercialiary arches are more boxy and taller

Hope it helps!And thanks again @Oaken
Now I really need to be careful about what I choose to move around or modify
I think his jaw is a bit to square but we will have to see
Again, looking forward to your feedback ;P
I gave more headshot than usual, so if you see anything wrong, you are welcomed to let me know
I think that previously I was so used to seeing his face, that my brain was convincing me it looked good,
and so I fixed that issue by turning my sculpt upside down... strange but it worked
No problem. Its easy to get tunnel vision on projects. It happens to all of us I think. The turning it upside method is interesting. kind of like went digital painting its recommended to flip your canvas to make sure your figure isnt leaning to far one way and the like. I think it would also abstract the image down to shapes which might be easier to replicate. I might have to try that with my sculpts in the future. I look forward to seeing Annie all finished!
One view is bothering me tho (The third image below) I don't know why it doesn't look right to me. (might be just me!)
If you have any ideas on why that is, plz don't hesitate to let me know
Entire body in the work
You can follow any update on my insta: https://www.instagram.com/annaberu.chan/?hl=en
To answer your comments, yes I am thinking of rigging the character, and so yes I am probably going to have to work on the left arm so that the folds can be more interesting.
I'll have to check for the lips, but thanks for sharing ... maybe I just like juicy lips hehe
Now its time for baaaakiiiiing babyyy
I post updates more often on my insta: https://www.instagram.com/annaberu.chan/?hl=en
took forever, but it’s dooone! And a first pass of colour ;3
Anakin’s real time hair - rendered in MT3
Here it is Anakin Skywalker
Rendered in real time in marmoset toolbag 3.
I really hope you enjoy it as I have spent a lot of time on this.
I'm probably gonna make tutorials on YouTube on a few things from this project, You can follow me on Instagram if you want to get notify
Instagram: ᴀɴɴᴀʙᴇʟʟᴇ Sémaan 3D | Zbrush (@annaberu.chan ...https://www.instagram.com › annaberu
For more shots: https://www.artstation.com/artwork/oAYdeqWell done ! *clap clap clap
thank you so much!! Really appreciate it, and glad you like it