Hello all,
I've been working on Engine for end goal VR. I feel that I might have kept the cylinders to low poly. As Its also one main props.
I also want to do some closeups shot of the prop.
16, 24,32 sides and 32 with quad remeshed versiom.
What for subdivision should I consider? I also read that bevel/chamfer edges is good for VR and quads topology.
If anybody has some info on this I would be greatfull. Thanks in advanced.
This is just from experience, you need to really test in engine as soon as possible when starting your asset production, only then will you see what needs more or less geo.
Normal maps work just fine but you dont want to use them for large surface detail. A bad example of normal maps in VR would be a wall of pipes, you could get away with this in 2d, but in stereo you'l instantly see the lack of depth so save it for your surface detailing and use geo for the rest.
About the segmentation: do tests IN VR and see how much you need for what size for smooth silhouette.
Also thanks for the info on the Normal maps. Do you perhaps know if there are any VR materials I have been looking arround but I couldn't find much info on this. Then not having many instuctions and keeping them simple.
what do you mean vr materials? like tutorials?
Based on this sentence, I guess he literally means materials.
Pixel shader performance depends on the render resolution, and vr has bigger resolution relative to a standard monitor, so yeah keeping them simple is a good idea.