Hi to everyone.
As title;
I have some question about sss radius map, exactly how did it work?
The radius values in the material have a huge range, it's not like specular B/W, so how exactly could i use the color values in a radius map?
I tried a black and white map, first trying to find a colour value similar to the radius value in the bar, but without succes; even set a solid colour on all the map i cannot reach a similar result. The same SSS effects seems to be a little "off" with a map it's no like a real transluceny but more a "overlap" of the two texture, in fact if I put a value of total black on the map, the medium texture simple overlap the diffuse texture, no transluceny whatsoever.
So anyone have use radius map with AL surface (maya)? I reaaaly could use some information.
Thank you for the attention and sorry for my english.
When you use specular map or strength map it's easy. The value range by 0 to 1, so if you create a black and white map the white areas corresponds to 1 the black areas to 0, with all the shades in the middle. No suprise here.
But when you use SSS radius the range didin't stop to 1, it can go further.
But you wont need to paint that radius in a modern ss shader.
It does calculate that internaly based on the shape/thickness of your geo.
Thats only for extreme cases.
Radius map needs me to set different values inside the same geometry. I don't wanna relate only with shape or thickness of my geometry, because some parte are more distant, for example, from the bones underneath.
So the cheeks and lips will have a radius depper than forehead.
Use a simple geo first with a strong backlight. And turn on the IPR to see whats happening in the render.
Hi, I know, two years are passed, but the covid, other job, crysis economy and still I haven't found an aswer to this issue, so necroUP, something can help me on this subject?
Answer is above. Use a remap hsv and higher values than one.
And paint darker areas in your ss color.