I recently got hammered by Maya's UV tools. I had to spend more than 10 sec unwrapping a cylinder with bevel because Maya does not have proper straighten tools (i am refering to Straighten Selection from 3ds).
So i am asking you, where does Maya hide such tool? Why can't maya straighten 12 faces in a loop? Why it requires manual fixes, that will be broken by next unfold anyway. Why Straighten UVs tool does the opposiste? What the hell is wrong?
This is the model maya can't handle, impressive.
I'd be interested to know if the max version of the tool does anything different/better when fed the same UVs.
Really fighting the urge to ramble about how spoilt the young people are, and how things were in my day...
It's not a perfect tool, has issues, but max straighten UV would definitely just work on a shell like that. Stuff like that is only thing you can be sure it'll work on mind you..