Hi. I'm often in situations where I need to manually alter the normal direction on individual verts to fix shading issues on my models. Is there a tool in Maya to copy the normal direction from one vert to another? I'm currently using a hacked together script to do it but I'm surprised there isn't something in Maya by default.
The closest thing I can find is the 'Set Vertex Normal' in the 'Mesh Display' rollout but this tool only allows you to move the direction with the rotate manipulator which is very imprecise.
Thanks for any help!
The yellow ones are the ones I've done with my tool. Just wondering if there was something in Maya incase this stops working at some point. That surface is slightly curved and aligning those vertex normals stops them from pinching due to the triangles I've put there. This tool only seems to be able to transfer between meshes unless I'm mistaken?
Thanks for your help!
import maya.cmds as cmds
cmds.polyNormalPerVertex(i, edit=True, allLocked=True)