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Is it possible to do procedural building generation

polycounter lvl 6
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Judgement45 polycounter lvl 6
This is to be considered in a 3D space. 

How could you do procedural level generation of a single building in order to make the level feel new each time the player goes into that scenario? Any tutorials on this or actual logic that helps me grasp would be appreciated. 

This building has the theme of lets say a lab building in that all the assets follow a specific theme, but the goal is to have the physical layout change as well as the objective locations within that one particular building. 

In the images below consider the grey space to be a volume or place holder that just defines the space as having the Lab object and then within the Lab object I'm wanting to determine the layout upon each new play through. 

Level Layout First Play Through: 

This next layout is the same building, but when the player spawns it is a new experience and objectives are no longer where they were on the previous play through. 

Level Layout Second Play Through:

As stated above I'm just looking for tutorials or possible ideas on how to accomplish this goal. I thank you for taking the time and appreciate any tutorials or ideas on how to accomplish this. 


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