Hello everyone!
My name is Gustavo Grazziano and I'm a Brazilian artist.
I've been doing 2D art for a while now and since a year and a half ago I started learning some basic tools on Maya (having finally done a full 3D project exactly a year ago).
Here are my social media:
In the beginning, I was following an Arwen's drawing (Lord of the Rings) as concept art, but in the end, I decided to do it on my own. I'm also pushing it to a more Blizzard / Overwatch style.
What I'm doing now is refining the hair and making some tweaks to it be more on the Overwatch way.
And last, I'll just finish the bust, so I'm going to cut the bottom part when I have finalized the high poly.
Have a good quarantine!
One more week and I believe that this high poly will be done to start doing retopo and bakes on the next weekend.
Now I'm working a lot on the hair and I believe that there still are somethings that I can do to improve.
A good week for everyone!
I'm on my schedule!
This week I made the retopology, the UVs, and baked the normals. Now I'm still trying to get a better normal map, but it's so hard to have a great bake and also save a few polys.
Next week I'll have at least a base texture.
Thanks for the visit!
I've spent my last week baking a better normal map and finding the best color palette for this character. In the last image, I started to improve the albedo map on 3DCoat as I believe I've finally decided the colors. After that, I'll start to work on Substance Painter.
Have a good week!There is also a MarmosetViewer. I posted it on my Artstation: https://www.artstation.com/artwork/2xD8JB
I've started a new project! This time I'm doing a Blizzard fanart.
My two main references for this one are Muradin (Heroes of the Storm) and Torbjorn (Overwatch).
The first hours of every project are always the most painful. It looks like I don't know how to do it anymore. Hopefully, I believe that now I'm getting in the correct direction.
Every critique is welcome!As the overall shape is already defined, I'm working on the details now.
I dedicated a great time doing the armor scale and the fur, but I still need to do some tweaks in these parts before finalizing the character.
Third dwarf's post!
I've been sculpting tons of tiny things. I also decided to redo the beard in another way, this time with a lot more details (that is what I've been doing during the entire weekend).
The highpoly is done. Now need to do everything else lol. I also started thinking about his hammer.
And here are some sketches that I'm working or for a sculpture that I'm doing in a course. It is Illaoi and Ezreal (League of Legends), but I going to do them with a different skin done by me.
Hope you like it!
I've almost forgotten to do my weekly post. Here is my progress on my two current projects.
I finalized his hammer's low poly and now I'm working on his body's retopology.
I've decided which composition I'm going to do, so now I defining the character's overall proportions and design.
Suggestions are welcome!
It is finally taking form! Except for the skin, I'm using the same five Substance Painter layers to do every material albedo. I still want to work more on it before finishing it on Photoshop/3D Coat. And after I've finished it I will do the metallic and roughness maps.
Thanks for visiting my topic!
Thanks everyone that has been following this topic!
It's been a while since the last time I've updated this topic about my League of Legends fan art.
I've defined the characters proportions and não I'm working on some hard surfaces inside zBrush.
I gathered all the pieces to have a better view of how it's going.
omg I totally forget to post last week!
Here are some hard surfaces that I have been working on. Everything was done on zBrush.
Take care!
Take care, everyone!
Ezreal's shoes are done! Probably I will just need to fix some details to make it work for printing.
Take care!
Here is the last big piece that was remaining to be modeled on my sculpture.
Take care!
I've made some progress during the last days. This one is going to be Hanamichi Sakuragi from Slam Dunk.
Take care!
Here is the project finalized!
Follow me on my social medias
- https://www.artstation.com/gustavograzziano
- https://www.instagram.com/g.grazziano/
During the next weeks, I'm going to post more images of my Slam Dunk fanart
Thanks to everyone who followed this post during the last months.
The first image I already posted one month ago, but I am posting it again to make it more organized. It is almost done, but the final touches take a lot of time.
A good new year for everyone!
I'm discovering the 3D print world!
It is a bit hard, and something goes wrong every time. It is fun, though
This semester I'm going to come back and post more game-related things
Thanks for visiting my sketchbook!
This one is going to be my next personal project. Currently, I'm working on the concept.