update, idk if i will continue it but maybe and it was fun, it probably took me longer than the inspirational piece, its in water+moss, shaking the barrel side to side is swiping action for axe and then forward thrusts is poking opponents. Changed the base so it just has to unwravel when it raises to expose the middle center giant trap. the "eyes" in the mask are just fleshed highlighted from the reflections from the metal. (I'd like to think anyway)
Not to spam but, might get back to the above, i wanted when it was September to try my hand at making weapons to expand on work in areas outside the comfort-zone... I made a few but this is the "coolest" out of the bunch i thought, idk if anyone has ever made one like this but i thought it was pretty neat, still figuring out the function of it all but the general idea is there.
just a very rough sketch:
trying to get the handle to be a hand so the user can grab it, I'll figure it out. oh for me todays the father aboves day to show him you care and speak and learn his words, till 7pm.
Just going to do what some cool kids do and post an art dump for once, just for myself to say i did it & posting things i missed out on posting even if they are meh, not to spam, guess giving others ideas is not bad, right? like the faith head.
i like the way the right one came out, was just fun all around there and not really caring, hmm.
KA concept stuff:
Spank the monkey, i blame the internet for this one:
you made"bby jzu's "cry so i drew it. another net inspired one.
one day i'll sort this one out^
moon blinked inspired from that movie
This is a scripture inspired one i have another ^
when i had a youtube the banner, is my name 2x's (head/body)
Using zhangs thumbnail to make the above, which is why i called it tag, since he moved on from this and i "took it over to create the above, I'll probably do more to my version but wanted to be "fair".
will do this one probably next, if i am allowed, really things happening in the world, can't say for sure, all i will say is whatever you put time and energy too, will probably happen since all of "consciousness", or the majority there of will influence it into existence if that makes sense. Art dump is a mix of old and new.
Basics of the 2d posts are, just to get a rough idea down that i can translate at some point (if i like it enough) to 3d, i get that i will probably never get to the point of equaling the quality and "beauty" of someone who only does 2D on the daily.
^ i thought of the twin headed snake, irl, idk if it really exists but this is what happen.
swordtember attempts ^, i like them all, probably because i made them, i couldn't figure out what to do with the musical one but i wanted to continue it but art blocked on that one..
Just messing around i had done about "50%" of this before asking the artist and felt that i put in the effort and it doesn't stop them from creating it still so why not really.
Made up a pretend challenge to make an excuse to create an old style game mesh in the influence of Q3A, you can join in if you want, i wanted to do it, challenge myself to do the most with the least, wanted to go higher but want it in the lowpoly thread.
unwrapped it all, 2048 for now, debating what the end results will be at, do not feel 2048 is a bad thing, can't really go with 1999 specs, but might do an img of standard 1999 resolutions.
wip diffuse stuff, this is probably a test even though i like it i want to try to get the most out of it so might play with processes to make it look the best at its current state, the stuff on the right is so that i can get behind areas and such, so an exploded version behind the mesh. using substance painter for all this, working out alright i guess for now, was going to use zbrush, eh either or, though i like the camera projection and angular stuff s.p. has for the circles to look better in viewports, so its working out.
Edit general topic continued:
"Not to bring it up but.. if what is being said about the injections is true and your dna is changed forever and if what the people who wrote books about the scriptures is true, i stumbled upon a lot of info that talks about returning here to experience a new life, if these are in anyway true and they OWN that dna code, they essentially own you and eventually if they got 70% of people injected you will eventually be BORN into a modified body through one of the injected families. It is very serious." no need to respond i wanted to inform those following the world atm and its current direction. That means they will be able to tell you what to do and when to do it.... maybe not right now but, they will conform this "world" to their b.s. and be able to enforce it, it is serious i know it sounds like b.s. but just look around.
Just updating the sketch thread, playing with "Innocent Primes", concept, idk dudes name to give proper credit, its a mystery profile?! any woozie, been playing with this and i really like how it is coming along and wanted to share it, deciding if i should go really elaborate with it or keep it simple, i also want it to be able to be customizable and take parts off like the middle, arms and half of the lower half. Any thoughts about it would be great, i was also going to add a hood but idk if it will make things more bulky, but thinking about it, it would hide more of the mechanical bits and sort of the issues with the backside being bulky/pointy from the exhausts, but then again they can also be turned more towards the floor, hmm.. things to think about. I really liked the rain coat or whatever so i want to make it.
for got 2 versions.-updated looks.
updated: that is it for today, 2 days to the creator then back to it again, enjoy loved playing around with this, took 1 day, yesterday till this post.
my own male version, also this is just me messing with stuff and things, i was rescalling to see what 9.5 heads looks like, i like it, took a bit of time to make.
sadly to combat the digital age i think smaller files sizes is the new way to go to deal with the b.s.
the knee joint needs to be worked out, it could also just pass for some sort of rubber, since it will 99% of the time move with all the arms. The hat is my attempt at making it both a "jester" hat and paint brushes, didn't really use any references other than the concept artwork, the break down of what it is, is on an img on the thread, obviously more there. Trying to figure out how to make the drape cloak work for the changes i made.
sry bout gif mod/hosts, but when are we going to get some sort of plug for artstation videos if we are going to continue to split the community to different sites?
messing around with an idea for someones design made it to show them an idea they can do with their design that i immediately thought of, so i wanted to get it out and since i put a bit of time into it i thought i'd show it.
Haven't updated this so here is a sneaky (shhh) update to current project, not done, first full outfit in M.D. and i kind of love it for females.
the design window, looks like many things, but a doggies face tongue out (Pomeranian), and a guy holding his arms up in a Y stance, totally not planned but hey when i saw it i was like awesome. (not done.) idk if i will take more "liberties" with the concept reference but it might have to change.
Still messing around with these, started yesterday, no refs just what does this look like what does that look like.
Wanted to do something and take a break from the big project and this was the fun i had.
The bird looks as if its "history" and masks/faces, thought it was pretty neat, the shark was looking like a cool water racer project, i saw potential in these designs and would've loved to work on a project with these.
they are meant to be viewed somewhat small(quick), i wanted to detail some sketches i guess and i do not make amazing ones currently so instead of letting collect dust i thought might as-well touch them a bit before they get cold and forgotten.
Time to make my own thing: (idk why but for some reason i wanted to do this so i did it.)
No extra things where used, plain old, old school sketching to final, no 3d either.
Hip wings are purposefully smaller than normal, (inspired from erdtree,lion design) updated.
Horse/bat/dragon/human/hybrid character, the knuckles are curved "horse hoof" but in the form of like brass knuckles cause i wanted him to run along with them and use them as a defending "weapon", so they are infused to the areas they are placed, and they can grab stuff, so they are fingers and not solid hoofs only..
Broken wing parts from a battle, alternative wings (kind of a choose your own flavor, deal or make it as is) and i wanted to "asym" somehow.
2 freaking weeks(strongs).
Centurion Dragon, was the name i gave it while working on it.
... mm... not trying to bump just updating with info i will be taking another week on this since it was only 1 week after reviewing the files.
Not sure just yet but, might make a guide on how to do this thing, the only reason i would is because of neat "new to me", things i did for the "curve+", not sure if any updates to bakers where made, if this is already handled in newer versions of applications.
Wanted a more "crispier" highlight/curve+look and stumbled upon neat tricks i never knew about.
Was given the insight to try somethings and they worked out well enough for my needs which was pretty cool and they can be used in any instance of work across everything object based, only wish i knew about them long ago & perhaps in the "circles", someone else stumbled upon it as well.
For the impatient, its just enhanced versions of what the bakers do but "better", or what someone might believe to be better in comparison to what we get currently(on old version of baker apps so could be happening now, afaik.). The only reason i wouldn't share anything is because of the conglomerate increase they will receive the info eventually.
sketch? This was made for the "evilday/halloween'" design thing. thought it looked creepy to put the skulls upside down never seen it done so 1st? show me otherwise i might believe it.
More things, a more fun one for me. Wasn't my favorite or anything, i just wanted to try to do it, feel free to guess if you want, what this might be. Took 1 week from concept to artwork so far.
@Pxgeek thanks for participating i thought it would bring traction to the forums anywho none of those, i will look into those to see if it does resemble them, i can say it is not exactly like it used to be, doing this as an update to the idea while trying to keep the old look, it is no 1:1 but the general idea is there. //edit i saw them.
Evil day project, or you guys called it Halloween ,hallo (shells?) nutn inside? what i thought about today about the name of this day.
At a loss for now on what else to add to this without it looking or getting busy.
Hints for the guessers, this is two designs (different time frames) together attempting to make them into one that followed a somewhat similar theme, while i tried to add my own creative spin to the general themes.
Managed to add more to the design, tried really hard, this was all from memory, the top hat raises and the shoulder guard only goes up but doesn't go down on that slider at the sides if you can see it.
Its an inspired combination of Cipher from : Gravity falls , but made in a really "unique" way i suppose.
After playing with the Q3RTX code for about 3-4 weeks, i got around to fiddling with this thing and putting the previous ^ wip on a bit of a hold.
worked on something like this before but this is about 1.5 weeks on an off, reading the scriptures again to try to get a more "grounded" idea of the thing spoken of, this might come with the general idea of this thing, which i think i figured out, with the help of the one who gave it to the person who "saw" & wrote the scripture down.
"1/19" updated: fixed lowest wing positions, looked bad before, tryn to wrap my head around its proper positioning.
hopefully also fixed lighting issues, still wip last overwrite update.
The general idea was to "lessen" the busy-i-ness of the wings/feathers, idk which to go with yet and the palm/hand design was inspired by this drawing. The lower wing limbs are grabbing the shin areas and one index is laid on the floor. the original img i drew was 5k, its all hand on tablet and the only thing not 100% done by me was the brush i used that was premade in application for what seems to be grass i used for "fuzz/fur".
i messed up the original and saved over the name i think it was a robert, something or other, will try to get some time to find the original again... i made the wings based of it and "edited" the design in my version.
The upper wings wrapped around the "head" do have digits its just alpha'd cause i already made the feathered wings but they are just bases and i am trying to figure out what to do with them. i will also asym the alt, side of the wing limbs, this is just for a quick post.
Thanks @Fabi_G yah i checked those guys out i can see how one might've thought that, totally awesome it does resemble them mashed up how cool.
hmm yeah i suppose i forgot how to make imgs not be super dark, however on the screen i am using i can see it fine. mmm is there anyway to have "brightness" always be accurate across screens? I know bout profiles and such but, yeah if i see it fine i suppose it would be fine on all screens, sucks that it isn't cause it looks sweet on my end. that is upsetting to hear, i'll probably re-review how to get this brightness situation sorted out.
Can considered this a limb connection exercise, i really tried and i think it looks natural, tried connecting it to parts like the would be upper location for the tail bone and the general "wings on a Human skeleton guide" floating around by concept artists.
Lots more to do still, made this a project for as long as i could do it, we will have to see whats cooking in the bg round us. Otherwise will update when i can: okay better.
oh yeah c&c if anyone wants to, either way good bad eh, learning is learning.
Just updating thread and to motivate myself to finsih this, yea its kind of rough atm. If anyone's wondering i am using the "human head" and it came out to around 7 heads tall, bit short for today's 10+ but that can be easily fixed if modeling this thing.
Wasn't going to do the feather details but i managed to make a brush off inspirational images that worked for the look i was after so yea posting did motivate me to make it "better", have to do the alt now. and finalize this thing. ( might make a posed version idk, kind of fun but a lot of effort.)
still working on this bout 1 month later, idk it is keeping my interest dcided to post an update been a while, if its funky i am trying to sort it out, this is 100% has been just 2D no 3D cheateries since i actually want to learn how to do this away from the p.c. Did the front facing feathers, need to fix that lower gripping hand, also might not be 100% accurate with each-other. since certain angles look good with certain positions, then meshing them all together since the file size for the painting application with all these layers has become astronomical.
2d topic has the info, 4 the lazy: waiting on permission to make/take this further. inspired by: https://www.artstation.com/artwork/rA218E
update, idk if i will continue it but maybe and it was fun, it probably took me longer than the inspirational piece, its in water+moss, shaking the barrel side to side is swiping action for axe and then forward thrusts is poking opponents. Changed the base so it just has to unwravel when it raises to expose the middle center giant trap. the "eyes" in the mask are just fleshed highlighted from the reflections from the metal. (I'd like to think anyway)
got remote c&c, fixed it to that.#2
Not to spam but, might get back to the above, i wanted when it was September to try my hand at making weapons to expand on work in areas outside the comfort-zone... I made a few but this is the "coolest" out of the bunch i thought, idk if anyone has ever made one like this but i thought it was pretty neat, still figuring out the function of it all but the general idea is there.
just a very rough sketch:
trying to get the handle to be a hand so the user can grab it, I'll figure it out. oh for me todays the father aboves day to show him you care and speak and learn his words, till 7pm.
Just going to do what some cool kids do and post an art dump for once, just for myself to say i did it & posting things i missed out on posting even if they are meh, not to spam, guess giving others ideas is not bad, right? like the faith head.
i like the way the right one came out, was just fun all around there and not really caring, hmm.
KA concept stuff:
Spank the monkey, i blame the internet for this one:
you made"bby jzu's "cry so i drew it. another net inspired one.
one day i'll sort this one out^
moon blinked inspired from that movie
This is a scripture inspired one i have another ^
when i had a youtube the banner, is my name 2x's (head/body)
Using zhangs thumbnail to make the above, which is why i called it tag, since he moved on from this and i "took it over to create the above, I'll probably do more to my version but wanted to be "fair".
will do this one probably next, if i am allowed, really things happening in the world, can't say for sure, all i will say is whatever you put time and energy too, will probably happen since all of "consciousness", or the majority there of will influence it into existence if that makes sense. Art dump is a mix of old and new.
might "sharpen this up but its not going anywhere...
Real-time STARS ! ? marmoset 3
Basics of the 2d posts are, just to get a rough idea down that i can translate at some point (if i like it enough) to 3d, i get that i will probably never get to the point of equaling the quality and "beauty" of someone who only does 2D on the daily.
^ i thought of the twin headed snake, irl, idk if it really exists but this is what happen.
swordtember attempts ^, i like them all, probably because i made them, i couldn't figure out what to do with the musical one but i wanted to continue it but art blocked on that one..
Just messing around i had done about "50%" of this before asking the artist and felt that i put in the effort and it doesn't stop them from creating it still so why not really.
is fun:
Made up a pretend challenge to make an excuse to create an old style game mesh in the influence of Q3A, you can join in if you want, i wanted to do it, challenge myself to do the most with the least, wanted to go higher but want it in the lowpoly thread.
W I P - VON b. will be done slowly. concept link
Up to rigging and posing on the mecha, i managed to get a lot of it in on the limit.
ye,haw get a long little doggie.
unwrapped it all, 2048 for now, debating what the end results will be at, do not feel 2048 is a bad thing, can't really go with 1999 specs, but might do an img of standard 1999 resolutions.
wip diffuse stuff, this is probably a test even though i like it i want to try to get the most out of it so might play with processes to make it look the best at its current state, the stuff on the right is so that i can get behind areas and such, so an exploded version behind the mesh. using substance painter for all this, working out alright i guess for now, was going to use zbrush, eh either or, though i like the camera projection and angular stuff s.p. has for the circles to look better in viewports, so its working out.
Edit general topic continued:
"Not to bring it up but.. if what is being said about the injections is true and your dna is changed forever and if what the people who wrote books about the scriptures is true, i stumbled upon a lot of info that talks about returning here to experience a new life, if these are in anyway true and they OWN that dna code, they essentially own you and eventually if they got 70% of people injected you will eventually be BORN into a modified body through one of the injected families. It is very serious." no need to respond i wanted to inform those following the world atm and its current direction. That means they will be able to tell you what to do and when to do it.... maybe not right now but, they will conform this "world" to their b.s. and be able to enforce it, it is serious i know it sounds like b.s. but just look around.
Just updating the sketch thread, playing with "Innocent Primes", concept, idk dudes name to give proper credit, its a mystery profile?! any woozie, been playing with this and i really like how it is coming along and wanted to share it, deciding if i should go really elaborate with it or keep it simple, i also want it to be able to be customizable and take parts off like the middle, arms and half of the lower half. Any thoughts about it would be great, i was also going to add a hood but idk if it will make things more bulky, but thinking about it, it would hide more of the mechanical bits and sort of the issues with the backside being bulky/pointy from the exhausts, but then again they can also be turned more towards the floor, hmm.. things to think about. I really liked the rain coat or whatever so i want to make it.
for got 2 versions.-updated looks.
updated: that is it for today, 2 days to the creator then back to it again, enjoy loved playing around with this, took 1 day, yesterday till this post.
oh robots on hold.
my own male version, also this is just me messing with stuff and things, i was rescalling to see what 9.5 heads looks like, i like it, took a bit of time to make.
sadly to combat the digital age i think smaller files sizes is the new way to go to deal with the b.s.
Interesting/ terrifying creature, that last one (a bit hard to read with it and background being dark). Keep it up