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WIP Bofors 40 mm. Navi modification.

Hi everyone!
This year I decided to take a break from my regular job, rest a bit and complete the old tasks. This is one of these tasks.

This is a weapon from the second world war. It is called bofors L60 40 mm. The Germans called this modification flak 28.

I started working on this gun in the summer of 2018, but then I postponed it due to employment in my main job.

The work is done according to the requirements of "AAA" projects, such as "World of tanks" or similar. I plan to keep within 25-30 thousand polygons.

I would be happy to get some feedback on it.

These are the scheme and historical photographs of the guns that I took as a basis.

Then, using the drawing, I made a dimensional version of the model (basemesh) and tried to compare it with photos. As a result, I found many inconsistencies. So I had to spend a lot of time before I got such a set of images.

As a result, I found in the Romanian museum a version has been preserved that most closely matches the one that I indicated in the original photographs.


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