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Need new PC - Workstation recommendations?

polycounter lvl 6
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GhosTDoG polycounter lvl 6


My current Win 7 PC is 8 years old, so it is time for a new OS and PC within the next 6 month.

I want to buy a workstation.

To be up to debate are some custom workstations, built by some local shops or the "HP Z4 G4 Workstation 6TT36EA".

Can you recommend the HP Z4 G4 Workstations or HP in general?

Any other suggestions are also welcomed.



  • Ghogiel
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    Ghogiel greentooth
    If that HP box is the one for like 5k, I personally wouldn't if it's this one https://content.etilize.com/Manufacturer-Brochure/1060701695.pdf

    But that's coming from someone who would just buy (all the best in class and reputable branded) stuff and build it myself. Some people just don't go there and I can respect that.

    The problems I would have boils down to 2 main reasons. A: I would get faster/better spec for cheaper by just getting parts and B: you have less of an idea of what's actually in it, Most stuff being unbranded OEM parts in there. So in the end RAM is slower end of DDR4, PSU isn't highest grade Seasonic money can buy etc. And the case it comes with :/

    It's powerful, but I'd probably get a ryzen 24 cores. I do like the thought of supporting the local guys, I obviously cannot vouch or make any recommendations for your local PC shops.

    Food for thought might be to look at one of these PC builder websites where you get to pick the branded gear and they'll build it for you. Seems like a much better deal. Something like: https://www.overclockers.co.uk/ocuk-tech-labs-amd-threadripper-3rd-gen-pro-gaming-configurator-fs-1e1-og.html#t=h1i?l7n7p)r6A1

    Recomendation for specific online builders would depends on your country. 
  • PolyHertz
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    PolyHertz polycount lvl 666
    We have a stickied thread that should cover all the info you need when deciding what PC to build / buy:

    And regarding the "HP Z4 G4 Workstation 6TT36EA", it appears to come in multiple configurations and a broad range of prices, so it's impossible to say if its good or not. If you want specific recommendations you need to state your budget and the software you intend to use.
  • GhosTDoG
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    GhosTDoG polycounter lvl 6

    @ Ghogiel +  PolyHertz

    Thx for the feedback.

    I'm located in germany, so I would prefer a local re-seller (technical support etc.)

    European shops, assumed to have a killer deal, would be o.k, but if something gets broken, you will have the hassle.


    Due to the HP Z4 G4:

    ·         i9-9820X

    ·         64 GB DDR4 SDRAM

    ·         512 GB HP Z Turbo PCIe® SSD

    ·         2 TB 7200 U/min SATA

    ·         Nvidia GeForce RTX2080 Ti - 11264 MB VRAM

    ·         Win 10 Pro

    Price is about 3.900,00 € and is also my personal limit.


    The Custom Workstation would be about 3.300,00 € (basic setup):

    ·  Intel Core i7-9700K 8Core 3,6GHz

    ·  32GB RAM

    ·  NVidia RTX 2080 TI 11GB

    ·  512GB SSD Samsung 970 Pro M.2

    ·  2TB -HDD

    ·  Win 10 Pro 64

    But only a 500 watt power supply


    I don't need a renderfarm or a video editing setup, it's mainly for realtime stuff:

    UE4; 3ds Max; ZBrush, Substance Painter + Designer etc.


    Hope that helps for a better recommendation?

  • PolyHertz
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    PolyHertz polycount lvl 666
    For those prices I'd recommend trying to get a PC with a Ryzen 3900X or maybe even 3950X instead.

    And while the 2080ti is currently the best on the market, now is a very bad time to buy a new GPU. The Geforce 2000 series are using the very first generation of dedicated raytracing hardware, and it's NOT future proof at all. The upcoming 3000 series (which should be getting shown off at GTC in March) are reported to have refined the tech significantly. Since you seem to be a person that doesn't upgrade very often, I'd at least wait on the GPU until the 3080 or 3080ti is released.
  • thomasp
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    thomasp hero character
    If you want to go with a branded workstation then the HP Z series should be a safe bet. I guess you are aware that this series has been around for a few years now so you are not exactly buying bleeding edge tech. Also workstations usually contain a good deal of custom parts which would make replacements expensive or difficult down the line (power supplies, drive sleds, etc). They also tend to lock you into the Xeon line of CPUs which may not be the best for realtime use (lower single core scores than consumer CPUs).
    Another general workstation thing to be aware of is that the cooling system of these machines is usually not geared towards being as silent as possible but rather for reliable operation in all sorts of environments. Meaning: check reviews for system noise levels to see if its really something you can live with in the home office (?).

    If you are looking for recommendations for custom prebuilds shipped from Germany: I've had a good experience with https://www.mifcom.de (in München).

  • GhosTDoG
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    GhosTDoG polycounter lvl 6

    Thx guys.

    I'm pretty out of date regarding hardware. I didn't even know that AMD currently outmatches Intel, so I think I will buy a Ryzen CPU instead.

    Regarding the GPU - I've planned to buy a new PC in the summer time, so maybe the 3000 series has already been released?

    And regarding the workstation - I always bought Gaming PCs, but at the moment I couldn't find a proper complete one and I don't have the time, nor I'm keen to build a PC on my one, like used to do in the past , so I thought I'll give a workstation a try this time.



    Thx for the link, looks exactly what I have been looking for. Overall good shop reviews and custom prebuilds.

    Only knew the big re-sellers like Alternate, Arlt etc, but they all get shitty reviews nowadays.

  • Shrike
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    Shrike interpolator

    I have a i9 like this and its really bad. Get a ryzen. Recommending a intel for multi threaded work is terrible at the moment.
    Ryzen mops the floor with current intel HEDT lineup.
  • thomasp
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    thomasp hero character
    But what is so multi-threaded about our work? Quote from the OP: I don't need a renderfarm or a video editing setup

    Single thread rating is where its at (in my opinion anyway). That being said - yes you're right - that i9 in the HP is not exactly screaming. For realtime use strictly going by the numbers its on par with good i7 CPUs from five years ago.

    I'd recommend using the linked page to dig through currently available CPUs. Of course, a 100 points gain here or there won't make a much of a difference in real world experience, plus there are other factors that dictate how fast the thing feels.

  • Shrike
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    Shrike interpolator
    well depends on what you do, you need to know what things you use
    I9 9920x has pretty shitty single thread btw

    If you think its worth 10% more single of a 9700 over losing 40% more multi thread of a ryzen, then yes, but in general ryzen is a much better value. For my workflow I heavily need multi thread with the SDFs, also for offline rendering.
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