Hello, I am new in 3D modeling world. I have a Reference image, I need that for a personal project. But I am having So much difficulties. Z brush or blender i cant make the Base mesh. After whole week i have '0' progress. Please anyone out there will help me creating the base?
Please ! Please ! .
( I just have this image for Reference).

Start simple, like modeling a cup, and gradually model more complex things. Since you are new and are running into many difficulties, it suggests a character may be too complex for your skill level. I'm not saying give up, but it's important to not bite off more than you can chew.
Dynamic tesselation (Sculptris Pro in ZBrush and Dyntopo in Blender) makes it easier to build base meshes.
It's often easier to model parts in separate subtools/meshes and then merge when necessary.