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Maya - Pole Vector controller is EXTREMELY sensative

polycounter lvl 7
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nomzod polycounter lvl 7
So I have a not-vertically aligned leg and need to attach a pole vector constraint. I make careful note of the original pole vectors, and apply it. Of course the knee jumps to the side, so I put in the necessary offset values to bring it back to the original.

But once offset, the vector is now super short. Adding a value of 3 to translate x is enough to put the knee at a 90 degree angle from the body.

This is the only joint that is doing this, and I cannot figure out why. And it wasn't always like this. I had to reorient the leg joints at one point, after I'd finished the both leg's IK. Ripped it all out, ripped the skin off, oriented the joints, slapped it all back on. Right leg works the same as before. Left leg is jacked.


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