Home 3D Art Showcase & Critiques

Is this our future ? Game Enviroment.

polycounter lvl 6
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halldor polycounter lvl 6

The story

The year is 2200 and we have managed to fill our planet with trash. We tried to fix the problem by reusing and recycling but that was not enough.

Now when we are overpopulated we are fighting for our lives because of the lack of resources. Most of the world populations leave now in slums

made out of the trash and recycled materials.

The goal of the project

  • Make medium size modular 3D game environment

  • Improve my visual storytelling

  • Switching from Maya to 3ds max

  • Improve organising skills

  • Using as few unique textures. 

Challenges that might come up

The colours for this environment can be challenging to make them look good with a lot of grey and brown.

Not having a clear concept of art for the project. 

Make it look very interesting with a lot of reuse of the same assets.

What  I should keep in mind.

  • Colours

  • Composition 

  • Silhouette 

  • Negative space

Art style 

  •  Semi-realistic 


Previous projects 


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