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MAXScript mesh intersections, tree data?

1) Is there a construct in maxscript to test mesh intersections? There exists a function intersects, but this only checks bounding box intersection, not mesh intersection.

2) Are there any plans to expose a tree data structure in maxscript? The Scene Graph is a tree and is accessible/modifiable in maxscript, but is there no way for a developer to create a separate tree of their own?

C++ is likely much faster, but we're looking for equivalent methods in MAXScript, if possible.


  • Klunk
    Online / Send Message
    Klunk ngon master
    1) physics systems probably handle this best (well better/way faster than any mxs implementation would). reactor/massfx or what ever the autodesk goto physics handler is these days :)

    2) ? the "tree" is exposed via mxs rootnode && <node>.children && <node>.parent

  • Tekoppar
    Offline / Send Message
    Tekoppar polycounter lvl 10
    You could just use boolean operators on the nodes themselves to test for intersection.

    1. Objs = getCurrentSelection()<br>result = (copy Objs[1]) * Objs[2]

    You could create a pseudo tree by creating a custom struct that holds the information and store it in an array.

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