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CacheMod and MeshLink, 2 new free plugin for 3dsMax

polycounter lvl 8
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gandhics polycounter lvl 8



guruware and I have been working on this for a while.

It was a great learning experience, especially how many small things I have to pay attention for plugin development.

Respect for all C++ developers!

This Modifier allows you to store the the current status of modifier-stack. Basically you can collapse the modifier-stack while keeping the history of the stack.

If you choose to save the cached data in the scene file, it will make file size bigger. But, if the stack requires heavy calculation, this modifier will make scene loading a lot faster. So, you cache the current modifier-stack, disable all modiers below, and save the cache with the max-file,

this makes demanding mcg-modifiers load at lightspeed.

It also could be used for replacing the current mesh in the modifier-stack. If you cache a object with this modifier and paste it as an instanced modifier onto other object, that object will get the mesh from the modifier which is cached.

MeshLink - Obj Sequence Importer


Manfred and me and Martin Breidt has been working on this while. This started as an Obj sequence Importer and later expanded as generic mesh sequence importer. It supports Obj/Ply as of now. But, it can be extended to other format. It also allow you to set any arbitrary mesh sequence using OFL text file format. Then, it ALSO has great ram caching feature you can even save and load the assembled cache!

Because of Qt migration, it is only available for 3dsMax 2018+

Thanks, Manfred!


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