Hi, Again thank you so much for your help. Here is the rough output which I have been trying to figure out from the last 4-5 hours. I modified other Artist script. So, Any mistakes forgive me. Your command is working fine but I have 2 more doubts. (*) If I run the command twice it is replacing the old snapshot which I don't want. Whenever I run the "capture" button It should save the new screenshot. ( Because sometimes My model is complex so I have to take multiple screenshots from different angles.
//Code by rajasekaransurjen
{ string $sn = `file -q -sn`;
string $cfp = `dirname( $sn )`;
if (`window -exists ScreenCapture`) //closes window if already open
deleteUI ScreenCapture;
window -title "ScreenCapture" ScreenCapture; //creates window
rowColumnLayout -numberOfColumns 4 -columnAttach 1 "left" 0
-columnWidth 1 40 -columnWidth 50 500;
text -label "Path";
textField -w 200 -h 10 -tx $cfp -ed true filepath;
button -w 60 -h 28 -label "Capture" -command "Capture";
// show the window we last created
global proc Capture()
string $path = `textField -q -tx filepath`;
string $k = ($path + "/snapshot");
string $ff = ".png";
string $node[] = `ls -sl`;
setAttr "defaultRenderGlobals.imageFormat" 8;
playblast -st 1 -et 1 -v 0 -fmt "image" -qlt 100 -p 100 -w 2000 -h 2000 -f $k;
clear $node;