So I'm new to hair in general and am trying to make hair cards via fibremesh and export them to marmoset, but after reading up on the tutorials I've found, it's looking pretty ugly. Right now, my process is to create hair cards for my long haired samurai, after grooming into the position I want, I apply an alpha texture in Zbrush to see how well it looks and it looks good when I do a quick render.
I then make a fiberUV out of the UV Map create sub-palette, I export the mesh to marmoset, apply the alpha texture in the transparency tab with the settings shown in the pictures and it looks sooo ugly. I know I need to add some hair clumps for a finished hair piece, but I'm testig out with a single mesh.
I know I'm missing a crucial step somewhere, should I throw the hair cards into substance painter and do it manually? And is there any other important pieces of advice I need to heed?
How do i get it to look like this beautiful hair!!??

We've got a couple tutorials on our site that go over hair texture content and material settings:
I tried dither and upped the sampling to 25x and this is what I get when I captured the image.