Hey Polycounters

I'm working on a new personal project.
My intention is a realistic or lets say beliveable realtime character. The design is currently based on a combination of a human and different animal parts to create an interesting looking shape.
I started with a bust sketch to define the character and at the moment I'm working on a concept to block out the body and cloth style.
I really enjoy the idea of making an alien shaped character with more humanoid clothes, how does a long leg character put on pants? 
Stay tuned for updates and C&C is allways welcomend

quick update of my project .... she is almost ready, the mesh is done, textures are done, not its more about the beauty shots and a few poses. I guess I will start learning rigging again.
But hey when somebody wants to rig an awesome alien, then feel free to contact me
Anyway .. here is a turnaround of her
Thank you very much buddy
Yes currently I'm in the rigging process, my first idea was also making animations like a walk and using unreals cloth simulation but that would expand my project to much, so I will stick to a nice pose and render a few beauty and detail shots.
Thanks everybody for feedback, enjoy the images
I made also two videos so I will give you the link to the artstation project.