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Kanabo Weapon Prop

polycounter lvl 2
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wHromek polycounter lvl 2
Hello! I wanted to post this here in order to get some feedback on a project I'm working on:

I created this weapon as an exercise to teach myself how to use Substance Painter. I modeled and unwrapped the weapon in Maya, textured it in Substance Painter, then rendered it all in Marmoset Toolbag 3. Here is a wireframe render of the weapon (~1,600 triangles):

Here are some detail shots of different parts of the weapon:

Please let me know what you think!


  • Ashervisalis
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    Ashervisalis grand marshal polycounter
    Nice! You're using up a ton of geo in order to attach the spikes that are halfway down the weapon. You could probably just have those small spikes as floaters, and use that spare poly count to give your weapon better cylinders with more sides.
  • wHromek
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    wHromek polycounter lvl 2
    Thank you for the advice! The spikes on the weapon's head are also attached to the mesh, only the very top one isn't connected. Is leaving something like these spike disconnected rather than trying to keep the mesh all as one piece common practice?
    Edit: Here are some additional wireframe renders of the head:

  • Anura_Interceptor
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    Anura_Interceptor polycounter lvl 5
    It depends on polygon budget and intended texture size. Floaters produce wasted texture space on the part of the face they cover, but those handle spikes are so small that you'd be better off having them detached. The head spikes are bigger and aren't using nearly as much geometry as the handle spikes, and I assume a 1600 triangle weapon will be using a fairly small texture, so I'd lean towards leaving those attached to maximize the utilization of your texture space, but take my advice with a grain of salt as I'm no expert. 
  • wHromek
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    wHromek polycounter lvl 2
    Thank you! I didn't take wasted textures into account, but that explanation makes a lot of sense.
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