Good day fellow polyfans... unusual request here...
I got these 2 textures (along others) i have no idea how to use and hook in unreal 4 to get the details they provide in good use. Could some1 help identify and confirm what they are ?
1. texture in question is named by filename to be "curvature+AO" (curvature specifically being in question for this one, or R and B channel) 2. texture is named "height"
My noob assumption is that "height texture" is for displacement (tessellation?) and curvatureR/B for some sort of edge-wear masking ? Any guess or ideas how/for what to use these textures would be greatly appreciated. I am hoping that some1 with more experience with PBR and advanced materials will be able to tell just by look of them what is what and suggest most probable type of use. These textures are coming from UNREAL 4 game and same way i am assembling them in UE4. (fan project)
I am also attaching original textures in case some1 want to take a closer look.
Also i am a bit scared if the "height" is indeed used for displacement "tessellation"as its way too detailed with too small details on it. Its used proceduraly along whole huge model (actually multiple materials like this on same ship) and the amount of tessellation needed would be insane to get semi-good looking details as they vary from feasible curves up to super tiny crevices. Model itself got ~350k polygons so having 5-10 materials with so high tessellation will go to thousand million polygons... (unless some tricks like distanced based tess is used) Ingame where these textures are used along multiple flying ships i dont see any tessellation being possible. Its also possible these textures are used only for static "renders" but again this come from game client and all ships have them so they must use them "on the fly" ingame.
Both looks like curvature to me. But one has wider filter width than the another. So the second one is softer. They are probably used for blending between materials. Like metal and paint.
Have you extracted them from an actual game and now you want to rebuild the shader the game uses? If so this is probably going to be a bigger task which is not done by just looking at the textures.
@rollin I do understand that i will not re-create something what whole team of professional artists did during years. I do understand term "complex shader" and how powerful / custom they can became... i am only wondering if some1 can recognize them as possibly some "known" technique i am not aware of.
R is definitely curvature, and G is AO. B looks like a dirt mask map, look at the grunged up tiles in the lower right corner. My guess is it's made from inverted AO * inverted curvature + whereever they want constant grime. The unknown texture looks like a custom map with height + blurred curvature. This would fit perfectly in a dynamic damage generating shader, but without knowing what the shader does, it's pretty much impossible to say. If you could say where you got this asset from, I'd probably be able to help better.
If so this is probably going to be a bigger task which is not done by just looking at the textures.
I do understand that i will not re-create something what whole team of professional artists did during years. I do understand term "complex shader" and how powerful / custom they can became... i am only wondering if some1 can recognize them as possibly some "known" technique i am not aware of.
B looks like a dirt mask map, look at the grunged up tiles in the lower right corner. My guess is it's made from inverted AO * inverted curvature + whereever they want constant grime.
The unknown texture looks like a custom map with height + blurred curvature. This would fit perfectly in a dynamic damage generating shader, but without knowing what the shader does, it's pretty much impossible to say.
If you could say where you got this asset from, I'd probably be able to help better.