Once again I have run into a bit of a wall Mel. I tried to write a script that get uv shells without having to select the uvs themselve one shell at a time.
- global proc string getUVShells()<br>{<br> string $shellList[];<br> string $objects[] = `ls -o -sl`;<br> int $shellIds [];<br><br> for ($obj in $objects)<br> {<br> int $size = `polyEvaluate -uvShell $obj`; //get amount of uvShells<br> for ($i = 0; $i < $size; $i++)<br> {<br> $shellIds[size($shellIds)] = $i;// populate shellIds <br> }<br> for ($s in $shellIds)<br> {<br> string $uvsInShell[] = `polyEvaluate -uis $s $obj`;<br> $shellList[size($shellList)] = stringArrayToString($uvsInShell, " "); <br> }<br> }<br><br> return $shellList;<br>}<br><br>getUVShells;<br><br>
when running this script with few mesh selected. I get this
Cannot cast data of type string[] to string. What I dont understand is stringArrayToString is suppose to work because this part was copied from this texGetShells.mel . C:\Autodesk\Maya2017\scripts\others\texGetShells.mel
I was hoping someone can help with this