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Which package is most beneficial to learn for freelance?

I'm currently a self-taught web designer/developer, and I've been freelancing full-time for about 7 years... And I'm really burned out.

I have some experience in CG (3dsmax and Blender) but I'm far from pro. I've started spending the time to learn and improve and I'd like to freelance once I'm good enough.

My question is, what package is most beneficial for that? Do any of you have any experiences to share doing freelance CG?

Completely lacking in insight and just looking for advice.


  • Meloncov
    Offline / Send Message
    Meloncov greentooth
    Blender is a solid option. Most likely your deliverables will be either .fbx files or final rendered images, so from the client's perspective it doesn't matter what you use, and not having to pay the cost of an Autodesk subscription is a big plus for a freelancer.
  • TheGabmeister
    Offline / Send Message
    TheGabmeister interpolator
    You can use Blender as your primary tool and then subscribe to Maya or 3ds Max only when certain clients require them.
  • sacboi
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    sacboi high dynamic range
    Similarly, I've freelanced with both toolsets. Mostly previs (automotive) and encountered no discernible issues via client side feedback nor during production so either software package will enable whatever outcome envisioned...at the of the day in addition too previous replies, it's also important IMO to always deliver on time, within budget plus hit the agreed quality level per contracted requirement/s.
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