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Post Communist Eastern European early 2000s bathroom

polycounter lvl 2


  • PolyHertz
    Offline / Send Message
    PolyHertz polycount lvl 666
    Looks like a room from a horror movie. I just imagine the lights starting to flicker while someones taking a shower and then an endless stream of roaches bursts out of the drains / water heater / through the walls and...I'll leave it at that.
  • KirilZangagolev
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    KirilZangagolev polycounter lvl 2
    Is that a compliment? :D No feedback on models,textures, lighting?
  • PolyHertz
    Offline / Send Message
    PolyHertz polycount lvl 666
    Yea, I think it looks good overall. :)

    There are a few things I think could be improved though;
    * The grout lines and tiles could use some depth (either via a parallax shader or directly modeled).
    * The metal cord going to the wash head needs more separation between the metal links.
    * The beige stripes going up the wall near the door lack any detail (are they meant to be plastic?)
    * The metal drainage stopper in the sink  is too sharp, normally those things have more rounded corners and/or top.
    * The white hose under the sink needs a hole or metal piece in the wall where it connects.
    * On the the sink you might want to add some additional grunge around the metal part and the back drainage hole.
  • Zimzelen
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    Zimzelen polycounter lvl 4
    The textures look great, I would just add dirt, grime and general nastiness at the edges where the floor and wall meet, maybe even throw in some hairs as well. It kinda reminds me of my bathroom, minus the cockroaches.
  • KirilZangagolev
    Offline / Send Message
    KirilZangagolev polycounter lvl 2
    :D This is my bathroom. Glad we are speaking the same language. Few people can relate to this type of bathroom. I have hairs on the sink :D
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