Anything below the line is the original first post. I am just placing an image here to update the preview thumbnail.
My latest environment is going to be the courtyard of the Assassin's Headquarters in Havana. This is going to be based off of the Assassin's Creed series, more specifically the Black Flag and Revelation. In AC: Revelations there is an amazing underground headquarters and the Assassin's aren't as small as they are in Black Flag. So I thought it would be cool to try and create what I think a courtyard for their Havana Headquarters would look like. I'm not going to be creating an entire headquarters, like the interior rooms because that would make this a much bigger project than what I am looking for. I am just doing a courtyard.
Here is my block out with bsps from Unreal and Arches made in 3DS Max. All of my reference is coming from Images of actual courtyards in Havana and screenshots from Black Flag.
The giant cylinder shape is center of the courtyard is the size of the Assassin symbol is going to be. It wont be sticking out of the ground like the cylinder is now. I want it to be a stone mosaic pattern made out of stone bricks. I plan on really pushing the Assassin theme by having the 3 tenets on the back wall with the fountain and having their symbol in a lot of places
Any Feedback and critiques would be welcome!
I finally found the time to finish my block out and replace all my bsp with static meshes. The mesh's don't have all the detail added to them, like doors, windows, window bars, etc. But everything is the width, length, height, and thickness I am going to need. I can now focus more on the doors and windows. I'm thinking of having two variations of the doors and windows for the top and bottom floor. The only thing I haven't blocked in is the vegetation. like the ivy on the trellis or the bushes, I don't think I will work on the vegetation, or props(lanterns, flower pots, benches, etc) Until I have at least finished the structural pieces.
Some thing cool I also thought I would do with the lighting is show it at day and night time. That later down the road of course but its something I think I will keep in mind. Another thing I am thinking of adding is a sync point for the leap of faith at the top of the back wall.being depicted but a wooden jump point.
As Always Feedback and critiques are welcome.
Here is what the fountain looks like in Max. I don't know what I should do for the high res of this mesh. I can sculpt the stone detail in zbrush, It will take longer to do but will probably look better in the bake. But I can also add the stone texture in substance painter and be able to change it whenever. Thing is I don't know what will look better.
I am hoping to finish this project before December. Mainly because its been off and on with this project. And I did not think it would take this long to get this done.
I am very happy that I got probably the hardest texture started. I used Clark Coots Quick tips to make the shape of the logo. Without this, I would have definitely had a hard time creating it. I do plan on adding a lot more details, like height variation and other things. I do plan on getting most, if not all, my foliage textures from