I saw the sharing of the Assassin's Creed Odyssey in GDC. I have a Question about blending multi base materials. Just like this picture.
It layring multi base materials in Substance Painter.

Then import to Game Engine.They used blending Shader to deal with new materials Blending. Like these pictures below.It maybe used vertex color to blending. So Why not blending it in Substance Painter directly.What is the diffenrent of these 2 ways? What is conditions to used them or more properer?

But, If I had 3 base materials and their has 2K or 4K texture's resolution. I can combined the height/roughness/metallic/ao maps in one texture for each material. So I need preparing 3 base colors, 3 normals, 3 combine texutres. right? It has 9 textures of 2K or 4K. Does it cost more memory cost?
In the first case you have a positional knowledge, like "at the bottom of the pillar"
in the other case you just do it for the whole material, no matter where it is applied
And blending materials in-engine doesn't cost (significant) additional memory as long as the input textures are already loaded anyway. This is the whole idea: you get a lot of variations "for free".
The limiting factor is as far as I know the amount of textures you can blend on top of each other as this will eventually hit the limit of the shader model.
But this is engine related. So what do you want to do or where do you want to do it?