well i just tested the usage of UDIM's and i have some concerns about it, first i thought that working with UDIM textures would give a single tiled image of all the textures or something, but all i got were a pack of texture sets per UV tile that i made in substance painter, my question is:
How is it any different of the method of multi material objects assigned to each poly, then exported to substance painter and exported as different sets of textures?
i end up with the same, an object with different assignments and 6 packs of textures, working with UDIM's only saves you to create materials
it seems like the UDIM workflow is so much better than the old one but i see no difference at all...
Hope you can understand what i mean
All modern render engines can read them.
Per face assigned shaders are a nogo on feature film. One object does have only one shader for procedural shader assignments. Also later in comp you are in trouble with per face assigned shaders.
And for creature it assential to have one one shader on the whole body caus of ss shaders. If the creature is only one polyshell its the only way to paint across those tiles (its in beta for substance). But Mari and Mudbox are able to paint across tiles since the beginnign. Its the main reason why Weta invented Mari and Mudbox.
And this old Mari video here at 4min.
And its comming for games too. If im not mistaken there are some hero creatures in god of war done with udims.
The new consoles next year have to support 4k resolution. And substance is coming with full UDIM support this year.
I agree tileable solution wont go away.
Back in maya select the faces based on the UDIMs and assign a shader for each tile. Move all uvs back to the 0-1 space.
In case of a render engine. Lets say Arnold.
The file read node does handle everything. Just select the first UDIM and its done. 200 textures will get loaded.
And for shaders a materialX Arnold shader does load in Maya, Katana, Houdini you dont have to create a new one.
But this sounds like it should rather be part of d3d ogl vulcan or whatever instead of an engine extension.
Just because it allows quite fundamental changes in the workflow and asset setup
UDIMs would then just be the standardized input format. So instead of a big atlas holding textures for many assets you might have assets with a set of unique single textures