So here is my problem. I wanna use an FFD modifier, in this case a 3x3x3 so i can make that curve next to the selected verts... As you can see the lattice moves but the verts do not.. I dont know what changed cuz the diagonal line to the left of the selected verts i also used an FFD 2x2x2 modifier to drag it in the same direction with no issues....
Can anyone help me get it to work again?
I have discord and can screenshare if needed. Ive read every single forum post on FFD modifier issues and not one fix has worked for me and I dont have time to spend another 3 hours debugging something that was working fine..
PS checking ALL VERTICES in the top picture doesnt help either. Im at a loss and have had but problems with 3ds MAX.
3DS Max is so buggy... I mastered Maya and it has no bugs but my job requires Max so ive been learning this turd of a software... Ive spent more time debugging then modelling....
Your selection is completely planar, but deformation modifiers like FFD need a volume to work properly.
Before you add the modifier, move the top verts to the right a bit, so your original selection becomes non-planar.
Now the new FFD you add will have a volume to work with.