I'm talking about clicking G/R/S and things moving with the mouse right away, instead of selecting the tool > click and hold the handle > move the handle. I'm trying to learn at least basic modeling in Maya (because something something industry standard), but I hate it, especially gizmo-based workflow. For every click in Blender it takes 2 or 3 clicks in Maya. Does anyone know a way to make it work more like Blender, so at least I won't have to use the damn gizmo? Any nifty magical-macro-contextual-whatever software, anything?
The main benefit of Blenders approach is that you don't have to hold a mouse button down while transforming your selection, while the main benefit of Mayas method is that it can result needing fewer clicks (since Blender requires G/S/R to be pressed to start each individual transformation).
So it will default to screen space if you mmb without choosing an axis?
Not sure if you know about Shift-drag-MMB, it locks to the axis of the direction you dragged to. It's crap in most perspective situations, but it's a thing.
You can create hotkeys to each axis, planes and for all axis.
Create custom runtime command in hotkey editor with one of the following command for each hotkey. Write only the command name and number. Then you can switch the axis or plane with hotkey and move with MMB.
This locks transform along X axis:
dR_setActiveTransformAxis 0;
dR_setActiveTransformAxis 1;
dR_setActiveTransformAxis 2;
dR_setActiveTransformAxis 3;
dR_setActiveTransformAxis 4;
dR_setActiveTransformAxis 5;
dR_setActiveTransformAxis 6;
Hope this helps....