Hey all,
Currently working on a project for my portfolio. I'm trying to understand the potential cons of heavy vertex poles, and how far should you really push them.
If anyone can shed some light on their general guidelines, I'd really appreciate it. I've attached what I'm looking at right now.
( ..which I usually perform for mesh verification, whether low or high res)
...because typically when terminated on a control edge, (...via image) distorsion occures.
to reduce quad overdraw and potential bake problems.
I tried a variant with a bit of a mix. Shading is the same on the old and new. Only about 60 more tris than the original. The support edges around the outside of the uke are mostly for texturing purposes, as I cut those out to a seperate shell, and straighted for a cleaner edge texture (shown below, a rough texture pass for checking areas).