I watched this thinking, then hoping, it was just a fan made trailer. But it seems not. While I can see why they would want 90's music for the soundtrack Gangstas Paradise seems so out of place here.
It's not for me and I suspect many fans of the videogames will most likely complain it's not to their liking either, but it'll probably be a good family film to go see and kids will eat it up like it's the best thing ever.
Also seeing Jim Carrey being his goofy self again brought a huge smile to my face.
Wasn't sonic all about saving his animal friends from being caught in robots and racing through fantasy world...why is he ins San Fran suddenly... "No budgetfor a fully animated movie" you say? They are going down the road of 80s B movie sequels that had to be placed in "current year" for budget reasons. Also, why didn't they go with a roger rabbit style cartoon? He looks out of place but atleast then sonic wouldn't look like a joke.
Anyone know the artist having to make this? The one for the movie I mean. I can't understand why they're going with their redesign.
I hope they see it and want to change it but someone else, higher up the food chain is royally fucking it up. Because this looks like some serious "make the logo bigger" BS.
Boss: Make the eyes smaller, and farther apart Artist: Like this? Boss: No no, smaller, smaller, smaller good. Now farther apart farther, perfect! Artist: ... Boss: Now shrink the hands and feet. Artist: ... Boss: Smaller teeth and more of them. Artist: ... Boss: Add an extra finger to each hand, oh and... Hey! Where are you going? Artist: mumbles something about jumping off a bridge.
Anyone know the artist having to make this? The one for the movie I mean. I can't understand why they're going with their redesign.
I hope they see it and want to change it but someone else, higher up the food chain is royally fucking it up. Because this looks like some serious "make the logo bigger" BS.
Boss: Make the eyes smaller, and farther apart Artist: Like this? Boss: No no, smaller, smaller, smaller good. Now farther apart farther, perfect! Artist: ... Boss: Now shrink the hands and feet. Artist: ... Boss: Smaller teeth and more of them. Artist: ... Boss: Add an extra finger to each hand, oh and... Hey! Where are you going? Artist: mumbles something about jumping off a bridge.
Definitely possible, I'd assumed it was some legal bs but sega is involved in the production so I doubt that. Must be a speak up some common sense get fired kind of environment.
I wonder if maybe they could have just kept him cartoony, like Who framed Roger Rabbit and worked with that I mean he seems to be the only CG character in the film going by the trailer/
I wonder how it got past SEGA to sign off the design?
I feel sorry for the artists having to follow whatever the director was thinking, some times you need to stand up to the directors and ask them are they sure, could we pass this concept around the office or would it be worth asking some people on the street before we spend years polishing your idea.
Maybe SEGA are happy with the new design, maybe we are all missing something? maybe this is the future, lol!
Apparently the studio making it is Blur... Wasn't that the one behind Deadpool? And a whole bunch of other great films? What happened? Even ILM is involved?! But the trailer looks so horrible? I did like Jim Carey though he seems great in that role.
From wiki:
The visual effects are provided by Industrial Light & Magic (ILM), Blur Studio, Digital Domain and the Moving Picture Company (MPC).[27] The production team created a realistic version of Sonic, adding fur, new running shoes, two separate eyes,[28] and a more human-like physique.[29] They used Ted, the living teddy bear from the Ted films, as a reference to insert a CG character into a real-world setting. Executive producer Tim Miller said: "It would be weird and it would feel like he was running around nude if he was some sort of otter-like thing. It was always, for us, fur, and we never considered anything different. It's part of what integrates him into the real world and makes him a real creature." According to Miller, Sega was not "entirely happy" with the design of Sonic's eyes.[28]
Good god. I'm thinking this is primarily owing to budgeting, like they could have had a 2D animated live feature with CG Vfx and it would have been fine. Even using the 3D sonic from the games would have been great. Absolutely nonsensical to use CG, I mean with the changes above it may work, but not sure what is going on.
Also I wouldn't say that the pokemon realistic designs all look great. Some look down right creepy like the realistic jiggly puff and Mr Mime.
Who knows maybe its a tactic to generate interest through bad publicity (not that they'd need it) then show a better design? I mean Tim Miller created the Dead Pool movie, what happened here. He's not happy with the eyes, do they mean these ones or was there something worse?
I think he fits the role of Robotnik perfectly especially in the last shot. Its just that I don't sit right with his character hunting down kids of furries regardless of what society feels about them.
Hmmm ... "gottafixfast" is pretty much the last thing a team leader should say in such a situation.
So pretty much :
"I am going to ask the art department to make a whole bunch of new visdev art. #gottapaintfast !"
Followed by "We need a new model that looks more like these photoshopped images people did on Twitter. #gottamodelfast !"
And then "I am going to ask the technical department to redo the rig for the main hero character asap. #gottarigfast !"
And then "We need to reanimate 100% of the shots and rerender everything. #gottarenderfast!"
Ironically I feel like a small-ish team of passionate people could actually pull this off ... maybe ? But within the structure and inertia of a big studio ... much less likely.
Can't imagine the amount of animation re-work/tweaks depending on body proportion and facial changes is needed, not to mention render hours.
Well, not that they have much of a choice... (They do) They could release it as is; and this turns into another Anthem. Or they grind their teeth, admit that it's a piece of shit, drop a Red Moon on it, unleash an angry dragon, overhaul everything, and make this another Final Fantasy 14 instead.
Just delay it by a year and make the changes in good time.
I have to think that would be the best option. It's guaranteed to fail in its current iteration. Problem is, it had to have taken a WILDLY incompetent lead for things to end up like this in the first place. One who not only pushed a hilariously terrible design, but then either refused to test the design with people, or ignored their feedback. Even if they take a whole year to "fix" it, I have no faith it'll make a real difference with the same people in charge.
Just delay it by a year and make the changes in good time.
I have to think that would be the best option. It's guaranteed to fail in its current iteration. Problem is, it had to have taken a WILDLY incompetent lead for things to end up like this in the first place. One who not only pushed a hilariously terrible design, but then either refused to test the design with people, or ignored their feedback. Even if they take a whole year to "fix" it, I have no faith it'll make a real difference with the same people in charge.
There is speculation that this was all a stunt, though that does seem unlikely.
I think the way they come to decisions in film usually goes from, -this is popular among so and so demographic, - this is the target audience, - how many in that audience actually know the character, - would they want to see a more updated modern look.
Then there's presentation after presentation where everyone nods their heads and this is the result.
Like it really seems that they looked into the success of TED (the one with the bear) and then came to the conclusion that since that worked this would too, like they would consider the design an acceptable risk looking at factors like the crowds Jim Carrey would bring in making the character of sonic less relevant. Its insane logic, but in business terms it can make sense, sort of, and boy were they proven wrong.
If you want to see another few dumpsterfire's that followed the same logic, check out Reboot the Guardian Code (Salty producers rejected idea brought back to life with power rangers) and Star Trek Discovery (Reboot passed off as canon which appeals more to fans of Walking dead, greys anatomy and bold and the beautiful than star trek), same mess.
Can't imagine the amount of animation re-work/tweaks depending on body proportion and facial changes is needed, not to mention render hours.
Well, not that they have much of a choice... (They do) They could release it as is; and this turns into another Anthem. Or they grind their teeth, admit that it's a piece of shit, drop a Red Moon on it, unleash an angry dragon, overhaul everything, and make this another Final Fantasy 14 instead.
Any reading about the VFX industry suggests that studios probably accepted a fixed bid to work on the film. Now director says I want you to fix X amount of shots and redesign the character... director does not suffer financially at all, but the VFX studios do. Obviously everyone wants to put their best foot forward so whatever they are working on is well received and makes money, but it's unfortunate from what my perception of the VFX industry is that they will get the brunt of the work without additional pay, but who knows!
They haven't pushed back the release date so they've picked fast that leaves one of two routes, good or cheap. Choosing to redo the main character probably isn't cheap so... that means it won't be good.
I'm not sure they have enough time or cash to actually fix the other issues that are threatening to sink the movie. I'm afraid they're so focused on their crotch fire, that they won't notice that the rest of the dumpster is also on fire. They really gotta stop drop and roll to save this one.
Hat's of to the team on this redesign. I wish Framestore did the fur (see Detective Pikachu below) but you can't have everything especially on such a small turn around. At least the character looks so much better.
This made me happy today, also great to see Jim Carrey back in action.
Yeah, the redesign really helped. Sure it made it look more unrealistic for a 'real action' movie, but it's still so much better then the previous concept, which should only have been one of those concept arts for making realistic creepy icons like Pac Man:
Glad they listened, maybe more will listen i mean its not like we are trying to take away their money, we are trying to give them "our", money, like in our art we are trying to help them see what they could do better. I like this "trend", if it is not a trend it should be..
R.i.p to all those other recreations that completely destroyed the possibilities in transition from fan to damn, i borrowed your image mark, i like it especially the kitty in the middle.
They haven't pushed back the release date so they've picked fast that leaves one of two routes, good or cheap. Choosing to redo the main character probably isn't cheap so... that means it won't be good.
Am I the only one who thinks that for many cases - including this one - Fast + Good should read as 'not possible'? I can think of plenty of situations in production where speeding it all up is not doable even if money isn't the problem. Especially if it hinges on very few people's work. Nine mothers not helping to speed up a single pregnancy and all that.
Anyway, nice improvement on Sonic, wouldn't have expected that at the 11th hour.
They haven't pushed back the release date so they've picked fast that leaves one of two routes, good or cheap. Choosing to redo the main character probably isn't cheap so... that means it won't be good.
Am I the only one who thinks that for many cases - including this one - Fast + Good should read as 'not possible'? I can think of plenty of situations in production where speeding it all up is not doable even if money isn't the problem. Especially if it hinges on very few people's work. Nine mothers not helping to speed up a single pregnancy and all that.
Anyway, nice improvement on Sonic, wouldn't have expected that at the 11th hour.
Yes, and really, good and cheap isn't possible a lot of the time either, even if it doesn't need to happen quickly. It's a fallacy that this is an even triangle. It's more like:
But that probably wasn't a good thing. I am making an assumption that it got fixed "good" and "fast" because some poor saps worked their asses off.
The danger is that now they've set a precedent for whoever is in charge. "Oh, it's not a big deal to totally fuck shit up. Jimmy and his boys can fix anything! And don't let them tell you the timeline is impossible. They're just a bit lazy if you don't put the boot to their asses."
Proper thing to do was bring out the guillotine and let the disgruntled fans lop off some heads. Speaking literally here. Then, in the absence of power, the poor workers who knew better all along can fill the void, and make sure this never happens again. At least for a generation.
Very sorry to hear the makers of The Lion King and Sonic at MPC Vancouver have been shut down with layoffs at over 500 people, maybe more? Especially hard just before Christmas. I hope they land on their feet soon.
Finally, the wait is over. Only a few months left for the release. I love to watch the latest movies online on my PC. I've heard about showbox app but it's not legit and working now.
Very sorry to hear the makers of The Lion King and Sonic at MPC Vancouver have been shut down with layoffs at over 500 people, maybe more? Especially hard just before Christmas. I hope they land on their feet soon.
Yeah, those news suck so much. I would have thought that at least the studios related to the Lion King, whatever the critics and fans may say, would at least be doing financially good, given the magnitude of that IP.
Very sorry to hear the makers of The Lion King and Sonic at MPC Vancouver have been shut down with layoffs at over 500 people, maybe more? Especially hard just before Christmas. I hope they land on their feet soon.
Yeah, those news suck so much. I would have thought that at least the studios related to the Lion King, whatever the critics and fans may say, would at least be doing financially good, given the magnitude of that IP.
the problem with VFX houses in general is, that they are all lowballing against each other to get the next big thing. everybody i know is in constant crunch. Chrunc for this Marvel movie is over? Don't worry the next starts right away? Oh it doesnt? Sorry you have to travel half way across the globe to get the next gig. And then with the whole freelance workforce they have, they don't even have to pay on time, with employees thats a lot harder in most places.
Isn't this the problem with everything? Economic Darwinism?! Well... I'm not sure if it's actually a 'problem'. Is it a 'problem' if the Lion eats the Zebra? Not sure... But I'm quite sure the Zebra is pissed and it has every right to be so!
Disclaimer: Zebra eating Lions is not a proper way of describing Darwinism.
I think what's different here though, is that this isn't a solo studio, it's an MPC studio. MPC being a company who owns multiple studios and who, in their email to employees literally said: "It's cheaper for us to open a new studio somewhere else, see ya!".
The Sonic the Hedgehog movie has enjoyed a strong first
weekend at the US box office, opening to $57 million, according to Box
Office Mojo. This eclipses even the most generous of pre-release
expectations, and means that the movie has now had the best opening weekend
ever for a movie based on a game, surpassing Pokemon: Detective Pikachu's $54.3
million opening.
While I can see why they would want 90's music for the soundtrack Gangstas Paradise seems so out of place here.
Also seeing Jim Carrey being his goofy self again brought a huge smile to my face.
Also, why didn't they go with a roger rabbit style cartoon? He looks out of place but atleast then sonic wouldn't look like a joke.
-The only positive review
Although I think this is my favorite rendition
I can't understand why they're going with their redesign.
Boss: Make the eyes smaller, and farther apart
Artist: Like this?
Boss: No no, smaller, smaller, smaller good. Now farther apart farther, perfect!
Artist: ...
Boss: Now shrink the hands and feet.
Artist: ...
Boss: Smaller teeth and more of them.
Artist: ...
Boss: Add an extra finger to each hand, oh and... Hey! Where are you going?
Artist: mumbles something about jumping off a bridge.
Must be a speak up some common sense get fired kind of environment.
I mean he seems to be the only CG character in the film going by the trailer/
I feel sorry for the artists having to follow whatever the director was thinking, some times you need to stand up to the directors and ask them are they sure, could we pass this concept around the office or would it be worth asking some people on the street before we spend years polishing your idea.
Maybe SEGA are happy with the new design, maybe we are all missing something? maybe this is the future, lol!
Wasn't that the one behind Deadpool? And a whole bunch of other great films? What happened?
Even ILM is involved?! But the trailer looks so horrible? I did like Jim Carey though he seems great in that role.
From wiki:
The visual effects are provided by Industrial Light & Magic (ILM), Blur Studio, Digital Domain and the Moving Picture Company (MPC).[27] The production team created a realistic version of Sonic, adding fur, new running shoes, two separate eyes,[28] and a more human-like physique.[29] They used Ted, the living teddy bear from the Ted films, as a reference to insert a CG character into a real-world setting. Executive producer Tim Miller said: "It would be weird and it would feel like he was running around nude if he was some sort of otter-like thing. It was always, for us, fur, and we never considered anything different. It's part of what integrates him into the real world and makes him a real creature." According to Miller, Sega was not "entirely happy" with the design of Sonic's eyes.[28]
Good god. I'm thinking this is primarily owing to budgeting, like they could have had a 2D animated live feature with CG Vfx and it would have been fine.
Even using the 3D sonic from the games would have been great. Absolutely nonsensical to use CG, I mean with the changes above it may work, but not sure what is going on.
Also I wouldn't say that the pokemon realistic designs all look great. Some look down right creepy like the realistic jiggly puff and Mr Mime.
Who knows maybe its a tactic to generate interest through bad publicity (not that they'd need it) then show a better design? I mean Tim Miller created the Dead Pool movie, what happened here.
He's not happy with the eyes, do they mean these ones or was there something worse?
Ok people, somebody tell me about this r34 thing.
- some producer, probably.
Its just that I don't sit right with his character hunting down kids of furries regardless of what society feels about them.
So pretty much :
"I am going to ask the art department to make a whole bunch of new visdev art. #gottapaintfast !"
Followed by "We need a new model that looks more like these photoshopped images people did on Twitter. #gottamodelfast !"
And then "I am going to ask the technical department to redo the rig for the main hero character asap. #gottarigfast !"
And then "We need to reanimate 100% of the shots and rerender everything. #gottarenderfast!"
Ironically I feel like a small-ish team of passionate people could actually pull this off ... maybe ? But within the structure and inertia of a big studio ... much less likely.
Well this director just went up in my opinion. For me it's just the face, I can stomach the humanoid body. Good luck to the team on the task a head.
Framestore or MPC could turn this around, the work they are doing on the animals in Detective Pikachu is out of this world.
They could release it as is; and this turns into another Anthem.
Or they grind their teeth, admit that it's a piece of shit, drop a Red Moon on it, unleash an angry dragon, overhaul everything, and make this another Final Fantasy 14 instead.
Problem is, it had to have taken a WILDLY incompetent lead for things to end up like this in the first place. One who not only pushed a hilariously terrible design, but then either refused to test the design with people, or ignored their feedback.
Even if they take a whole year to "fix" it, I have no faith it'll make a real difference with the same people in charge.
Everything is fine.
I think the way they come to decisions in film usually goes from,
-this is popular among so and so demographic,
- this is the target audience,
- how many in that audience actually know the character,
- would they want to see a more updated modern look.
Then there's presentation after presentation where everyone nods their heads and this is the result.
Like it really seems that they looked into the success of TED (the one with the bear) and then came to the conclusion that since that worked this would too, like they would consider the design an acceptable risk looking at factors like the crowds Jim Carrey would bring in making the character of sonic less relevant.
Its insane logic, but in business terms it can make sense, sort of, and boy were they proven wrong.
If you want to see another few dumpsterfire's that followed the same logic, check out Reboot the Guardian Code (Salty producers rejected idea brought back to life with power rangers) and Star Trek Discovery (Reboot passed off as canon which appeals more to fans of Walking dead, greys anatomy and bold and the beautiful than star trek), same mess.
They haven't pushed back the release date so they've picked fast that leaves one of two routes, good or cheap. Choosing to redo the main character probably isn't cheap so... that means it won't be good.
I'm not sure they have enough time or cash to actually fix the other issues that are threatening to sink the movie. I'm afraid they're so focused on their crotch fire, that they won't notice that the rest of the dumpster is also on fire. They really gotta stop drop and roll to save this one.
This made me happy today, also great to see Jim Carrey back in action.
The "pick two" is really:
But that probably wasn't a good thing. I am making an assumption that it got fixed "good" and "fast" because some poor saps worked their asses off.
The danger is that now they've set a precedent for whoever is in charge. "Oh, it's not a big deal to totally fuck shit up. Jimmy and his boys can fix anything! And don't let them tell you the timeline is impossible. They're just a bit lazy if you don't put the boot to their asses."
Proper thing to do was bring out the guillotine and let the disgruntled fans lop off some heads. Speaking literally here. Then, in the absence of power, the poor workers who knew better all along can fill the void, and make sure this never happens again. At least for a generation.
There is a good book somebody can write.
Well... I'm not sure if it's actually a 'problem'. Is it a 'problem' if the Lion eats the Zebra?
Not sure...
But I'm quite sure the Zebra is pissed and it has every right to be so!
The Sonic Movie Had The Best Opening Weekend Ever For A Game Adaptation
The Sonic the Hedgehog movie has enjoyed a strong first weekend at the US box office, opening to $57 million, according to Box Office Mojo. This eclipses even the most generous of pre-release expectations, and means that the movie has now had the best opening weekend ever for a movie based on a game, surpassing Pokemon: Detective Pikachu's $54.3 million opening.