A UV unwrap is only good in relation to the larger project.
What is the goal of this rock? How will it be rendered? How does it fit in the rest of the project?
Once you know that, then the question "is this good?" can get an actionable answer.
For instance, if the rock is one of dozens that will be littered on the ground of a third person shooter to add realism and maybe help hide prop intersections with the terrain, this prop probably has way to many tri's and the UV shells could probably be squared to make for neat packing. Texture stretching isn't gonna be noticed.
If it's gonna be a large part of a hero prop taking up lots of screenspace, you're unwrap might be totally fine, dependent on how you want to apply your textures.
You might have learnt in your geography classes that a sphere can't be easly planified, aren't I right? So, thats the case. First, it's terrible that u have separated these two pieces of mesh. Second, you'r going to need more cutting specially perpendicularly from the areas you've already cut.
So, thats the case. First, it's terrible that u have separated these two pieces of mesh. Second, you'r
going to need more cutting specially perpendicularly from the areas you've already cut.