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[WIP] Thompson

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Evidale triangle
Hey all.

Trying to get more involved in the 3D community, so I figured I'd do a WIP thread of a project I just started. I'll be cleaning up the N-gons as I go. Currently working on the base, of which I'll start working out some of the finer details & bevel widths.


  • sacboi
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    sacboi veteran polycounter
    Nice start, will the base mesh be high or low poly and do you have an approximate tri budget in mind?
  • Evidale
    Offline / Send Message
    Evidale triangle
    sacboi said:
    Nice start, will the base mesh be high or low poly and do you have an approximate tri budget in mind?
    I'm setting up the base for Zbrush Dynamesh/Polish, and then I'll optimize the base mesh to be used as the low. This is the first gun I've done, so I'll probably get as low as I can get while retaining good shape and form from a first person perspective.

    I've been looking over the posts of some folks on artstation as a general reference of where that may be.
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