Hi all,
I've started work on my first environment ever in UE4 and I'm excited to share my progress, and because this is the first one, there is going to be alot of experimenting with new workflows and techniques that I learned.
Ps: I'm self-taught :d
So I started on the making of reference board using PureRef, and this is the alley I wanted to make:-
I'm not going to make it the same from the ref.
and here is the mood I want to achieve:-
and here are the buildings and props ref:-
I made a block out of the scene.
On this stage, I want to get the right relative scales and proportions of the objects.
Then I Imported the blockout into UE4 and made the basic lighting and mood :-
If you have any thoughts about where this is going, please feel free to comment. I really need your constructive criticism because this is the first time making an environment.
So the next step is doing the procedural materials.
It has been a long time since I posted here, I'm busy nowadays with the exams,
I have just Finished the first set of signs, the materials still WIP, maybe you will see them in the next post
I'm planning to make something like this as well sometime in the future.
Yeah, I'm really exciting working on this environment.
@Ashervisalis Thanks
Did some probs for my scene, feedback and critiques are welcome
So finally I have just finished my exams and got time to work on this environment, I have assigned the materials to the buildings and imported the signs and did a basic post processing then quick light building.
And yeah, I guess I have to adjust the materials to fit the scene, the material of the window is a placeholder.
Havent been able to work on this project in a while because of my college exams and finally, I have finished them
Here are the materials I did for my environment, maybe I will make more if needed.
100% substance designer.
Just a quick update,
So I added more props like paper lanterns and Aircons, made adjustments on some materials, made a quick glass material for the windows and played a little bit with the lighting and the mood:
so the next step is adding a lot of props, decals, vertex paint for puddles and so on.
The windows textures are really bad maybe I'm going to rework them.
I'm going to use a trim sheet and this is the first time I make a trim sheet lol, for the ground to make little pavements, Iron connectors, and shops fronts.
Any thoughts and critiques are most welcome!
I have added some props to my scene, made some adjustments to the lighting, add water puddles using vertex paint to the ground, made a trim sheet to use it to make pavements and blocks for the ground:-
Here is the Trim material I have made entirely in substance designer:
and here is some beer for u guys
So in the next step, I wanna add some electricity wires and holders above and make the scene really
I really need some critiques on my composition, lighting, and colors since I'm weak on these points, The critiques and feedback are most welcome!!
-Added some props (Trashbags, Trash bins, electricity holders and metal connectors above the buildings, added a pink plant on metal holders)
-played a little bit with the lighting and fog setting, but the lighting isn't final and needs a lot of work.
-Fixed the material of the window and polished it.
So I have added wires and modular pipes and air vacuums to the environment, made some versions of the materials with a dirty look so I can vertex paint them in the scene,
If you have any feedback I will really be happy to hear it!
It's really hard to narrow the alleyway at this stage, I'm trying to make it less orderly but damn these details are taking too much time.
You're like "ALMOST THERE" with it. Check this out: https://www.unrealengine.com/marketplace/en-US/slug/rome-fantasy-pack-i
I think if you just get over the desire to "get it done", and push it just a bit more, you'll have something "great", instead of "good". You have the talent, I can see that, now use your drive to take it up a notch.
Anyway, This time I added more props to the scene, Played a little bit with the lighting and added decals
Been working the whole day on the wall signs, posters, and torn papers, They are really awesome because I feel the environment is alive!
I also made some adjustments to lighting and other props, Feedback and comments are much appreciated.
It's been a long time since the last update but I was really busy, the situation in Iraq still isn't good and we are protesting against the government to get our rights for more than 50 days, more than 350 people killed and around 16000 injuries, But I'm trying to get this work done when I got free time, so I managed to make a prefinal video and rendered it, I would like to hear what do you think about it, It's the first time I made a video and worked on AE.
Been working on my environment for a while, I know it took a long time to finish and that because of the bad situation in Iraq, anyway after working on some critiques and feedback from the communities, I added more lights to the scene and increased the bounced light to make the scene pop up, and been working to add dynamic effects to the scene to add life to it when making a video format, such as making the leaves and hanging cloth signs effected by wind, falling leaves, stem blowing up from some restaurants, swaying lanterns.
Here is the final presentation of the props I did for the environment that I'm about to finish, for the textures I used substance designer, the decals & torn papers were form textures.com after tweaking them in photoshop. I'm happy to finish that environment and sure thanks to the community of The DiNusty Empire for the valuable critiques and feedback, Thanks for viewing my work and have a nice day!
Thank you guys for the great feedback, special thanks to the DiNusty empire! and to Emiel Sleegers for his great tutorial, I've learned the basics of Unreal Engine and experimented a lot with Mood, color grading, lighting, creating various props.
you can check the final work here:-
and don't forget to watch the real-time video showcase here:-
Have a nice day!
Actually, I didn't, but I think they will work well because I used high-resolution textures (taking in mind this is a small showcase environment)
I can't believe you're able to focus and produce this level of work with the intense situation in Iraq going on.
Thanks to the God That I finished it.
Japanese Alleyway Lighting - Ue4
After finishing the lighting academy on YouTube about Ue4, I wanted to rebuild the lighting in my latest environment and achieve another mood with a better look, I wanted to achieve afternoon lighting, I used Ray tracing in rendering this time and the results are Awesome.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YWroRHnrdEE
I'm glad that you liked it!