Hi all,
I need some help on figuring out what will be the best way to approach a test I received. The test is a not-so-hard environment with a texel density of 128 px/m. I can get the right density with a script for 3ds max but what to do when it comes to modular pieces? The UV become so small that the textures can't be used to tile because the borders of my UV island doesn't match the corner of the UV shell. Does anyone have a workflow for modular pieces and texel density? Thanks in advance.
Try to help yourself first
Are you using a 128x128 image as your tiling texture? If so the texel density on your UV layout should be one to one since UVs are independent of image resolution.
Here's something to look at in the meantime though maybe it will help.
If I will make a fully tileable piece I have to do the UV as you see down here, with the edges touching the square. So i can make multiple copies on the right/left of my object and I won't see any seam.
But when it comes to adjust my UV size to make it 128 px/m it shrinks down as you see.
Maybe is just my lack of knowledge, so I apologize if the question is very easy, but really I don't understand how to make my piece of geometry tileable on both sides. Do you suggest to model the entire building and after do the UVs as a whole?
Thanks in advance.
As for trying to snap all the modular border uvs to the edge of 0-1 you're looking at it the wrong way. With tiling textures you take advantage of the infinite tiling, so you unwrap all the modular pieces and stack and snap them together in uv space using the same edges that snap together in the geometry. You don't have to worry about 0-1 you can go anywhere.