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[UE4] Abandoned Factory Scene

polycounter lvl 2
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marvmarv polycounter lvl 2
Dear, ehmm.. Hello!

I made this as a university assignment for the course "Level Decoration", goal was to create a polished scene, build for a single viewpoint and focus mostly on composition and lightning. I'm quite happy with the result, but I've looked at it too much to actually see it properly.
Still have two days until hand-in and would appreciate critiques, nitpicks and whatever

oh.. and.. Hi Polycount  :) I'm new


  • Ashervisalis
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    Ashervisalis grand marshal polycounter
    Sup Marv, welcome. Cool scene. You've got a sick array of colours, would be cool to explore the environment! I think the moss is painted on weird, kind of blotchy, and unrealistic. The white material on the bricks looks a bit odd. I thought it was paint covering spray paint, but it's on every spot. The fern on the bridge is a bit difficult for my eyes to understand where it's planted. Your ground material is pretty dope. You calling this finished?
  • marvmarv
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    marvmarv polycounter lvl 2
    Thanks Asher, you're right.. I should overwork how the textures blend into each other. I'll do that and a few minor tweaks. But overall this project is done and my courses don't really leave time to take this one further right now
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