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[3DS Max] Object Paint Won't Update or Cancel Strokes

polycounter lvl 9
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EArkham polycounter lvl 9
I'm using object paint to scatter rocks,  vegetation, etc across a terrain in 3ds max.  Pretty normal use of this tool.

Normally if I you hit cancel (the big red X), the strokes you've painted will be removed, and if you change spacing, rotation, scale, etc, those will update right away in the viewport.

Suddenly though I find that none of that works.  Once I paint a stroke, it acts like it's commited instantly.  No changes to spacing, scaling, rotation, etc will update -- I have to undo to get rid of the last stroke, and paint another to see any updated settings.

I haven't changed anything inside of max, nor have I installed any new scripts.  My GPU driver is up-to-date (well, last stable, not latest).  All of this was working fine with my last project a couple weeks ago.  I've restarted both max and my computer, but no dice.

Everything else is working fine.  My preferences, customization, other tools... it's just the object paint tool.  Google search found no relevant answers.

There a setting or shortcut I accidently toggled or something?  Some object paint caching issue?

Thanks in advance for any help.


  • EArkham
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    EArkham polycounter lvl 9
    So, uh, no idea on this problem?  Thought for sure someone here would know right away what was causing this.
  • EArkham
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    EArkham polycounter lvl 9
    Bumping with solution for the sake of google.  I completely forgot about this thread.

    The problem was caused by the objects being parented to another object in the scene, and the parent being hidden.  While they were parented, the paint object tool would not cancel nor update strokes.

    The solution was to simply open the graph editor and unparent the objects.

    This didn't happen every time when parenting manually for some reason, but I didn't drill down to find out exactly how to repeat it.  I just unparented and went back to happily painting objects again.

  • Noren
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    Noren polycounter lvl 20
    Thanks for documenting the solution!
  • Mark Dygert
    NICE! Thanks for updating the thread with a solution. I'm glad you found a solution on your own, that level of trouble shooting is a valuable skill to have. 

     I had run into something similar in the last but the objects where in groups. Now that I think about it there might have been a child/parent relationship between one of the groups. Taking all of the objects out of the groups fixed it for me. I thought it just didn't handle groups well. 

    Thanks for shedding some light on an old issue.
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