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Fabric displacement question/workflow

polycounter lvl 5
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carrottoptw polycounter lvl 5
Hey.  Fairly new to texturing so bare with me... bit over whelmed :/  

I wanted to apply texturingxyz displacement fabric - https://texturing.xyz/collections/fabrics/products/microfabrics-wool-08 -  to a tiny piece of garment (a tshirt collar) to look like this...

How would I go about doing this to achieve a realistic result at a close range render with a simple base colour? Can they be used in substance painter? Or Zbrush first? Or can they only be used when it comes to rendering? For just a small collar could I use 1 uv tile or for split it over UDIMS for a lot more detail etc? Sorry for the many questions, just wondering what type of workflow people could suggest for this


  • Obscura
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    Obscura grand marshal polycounter
    By looking at the provided maps, you would need to deal with the color variance yourself somehow. Substance Designer is good in this. The example renders on the site shows simply applying the displacement map. Do you want to have the fibers too? That should be done with some dedicated hair/fur tool.
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