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Painting into multiple channels with multiple stencils at the same time?

polycounter lvl 10
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Chris Bruin polycounter lvl 10
I am looking to do a very specific task, which is to paint multiple stencils onto an object at once so they all line up, and have each stencil correspond to a texture channel, so like this:

Stencil 1 Albedo - Paints into diffuse
Stencil 2 Utility maps - Paints into specular
Stencil 3 Displacement - Paints into bump/displacement

I need to paint all 3 stencils so they line up exactly. As far as I know, Mari can only paint into one channel at a time. Painter would be ok, but I also need to paint in 8k+ resolution, which eliminates that.

Is there a piece of software that can do what I need? Is this possible to do in Mari and I'm just not approaching it the right way?



  • oglu
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    oglu polycount lvl 666
    Mari cant do that in one go but if you dont move the paint buffer you can do that one by one. And mask them together later. 
  •  Chris Bruin
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    Chris Bruin polycounter lvl 10
    oglu said:
    Mari cant do that in one go but if you dont move the paint buffer you can do that one by one. And mask them together later. 
    Yeah, I figured this would be one way that was suggested. It's so slow though >_> At least Mari's performance is godly compared to Mudbox, which could be done the same way.
  • gnoop
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    gnoop sublime tool
    3dcoat can do it.  Paint/projects color , roughness, height /bump   at once.   As a regular brush/stamp  or by projecting complete material.     Could scatter various different  brush dabs  at once.  Can add some procedural cavity/curvature/Ao based procedural details pretty much like Substance Painter  but couldn't adjust them after you paint them down  non destructively.   Also in contrast to SPainter  3dcoat can paint seamlessly over multiple UV tiles.

    Could work with  8k-16k  total amount of pixels, better than SPainter  but not even close to Mari  and overall not very intuitive soft

    I Mari it's imo easier to do with saved projections and paired psd file where you could stack your channels as layers. 

    ps. Actually projecting back psd file seems working with 8 bit only  for some uncertain reason, whatever psd file is.   So for bump it could be rather exr file
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