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Issue with crouch breaking my anim blueprint.

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rveb null

You can see when I hit the crouch key it is raising my character up off the ground.. Not sure why it is doing this. For some reason the animations are lifted off of the Y axis in UE4 when I look at them in Maya they are at zero.. but this is true for all of the animations (idle, run, jump) and they still start at zero in UE4 even though their animations show them off the ground like the crouch one does.

any ideas how to fix??


  • rveb
    Offline / Send Message
    rveb null
    still no luck fixing or finding the same problem 
  • rveb
    Offline / Send Message
    rveb null
    fixed it after much frustration and tinkering. The instance of the mesh was raised in the anim blueprint not the main blueprint and was only affecting the crouch for still unknown reasons. But copied the the location from the main and saved to the anim blueprint mesh and wah lah it now works great. Wonder if there is an easier way to sink all the instances up together.. learn as you go
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