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(arnold) How can I render a volume shader without a background, whith the displaement still works?

polycounter lvl 4
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bybyle polycounter lvl 4

My question is relativly simple. 
I created some sort of cool thing with a volume shader on a sphere, and a displacement map (fractal) on it. It renders fine when there is a background (either the sky or a plane). But right when I hide the sky background making the background transparent, the effect of the displacement map dissapears.  (see images)

(i didnt make it to the end of the render, its way too long, so you have just the pixels, good enough to see whats going on)
Maya 2018 with Arnold.

Thanks a lot !


  • .Wiki
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    .Wiki polycounter lvl 8
    Try the following:

    Turn off the camera-ray-visibility for the background instead of hiding it.

    The background won´t appear in your rendered image anymore but still gets used for the other ray types.
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