A while ago I was working on an actual male character to give my folio a reason to exist and not just being pictures of pretty girls and then I saw the discount on Marvelous Designer and I thought
why not so I picked one of my anatomy exercises and turned it into this

face is actually a bit of a likeness attempt to a japanese model I didn't fully develop but I'm pretty satisfied with how it came out.

I've had a few people I trust help me with anatomy, cloth
draping, zBrush extra detailing and such in the past weeks, so I managed
to get the character in this state reasonably quick. So far all it's
missing is a proper texture for the hoodie, a tote bag accessory (I will
go back to Marvelous Designer to build it) and to go over the face/body
textures one last time.

I will post a bunch of pictures of the MD simulation and the zBrush sculpt soon for the sake of completeness I guess.
see you pretty soon
made an attempt at a bag that caused me a bit of a trouble since I am still not very experienced with MD. Those buttons are a no-go and will be replaced by something more proper, will add a few pins, reshape the strap a bit and add some more detail via texturing
Will get you back in a few days when I'm done with the bag, next phase should be the pre-pose
I was also thinking that is weird that the part of the pant in the butt area is skinny but then you have big wrinkles down, this means that the pant is larger in the knee/tibia area but smaller in the butt, is that the thing you want to achieve? i try to post a few pictures to make understand better the thing i'm saying:
I would honestly make the butt area of the pant larger, but it is up to you. Keep working on her, is coming along great
Sorry for my english that is not so good!
Yeah you kinda got what I was going for
For the butt my references are similar to yours, while I've used something like these for the legs.
1) would try to make her butt area of the pant a bit larger and less elastic.
2) would keep the butt area as it is but would smooth the wrinkles behind the knees to make it feel like that area is still a bit elastic like the butt area.
i don't know if you get what i mean, is hard for me to express this thing in english.
I think the camera and the distance have something to do with it though, 'cause from a zoomed in view it's pretty clear that the folds gradually become bigger.
She looks like a dork now but I planned to have some poses with the glasses hanging from her shirt.
I also gave her a bit extra imperfections on her face to remove the doll skin effect and reworked her hair texture a bit to reduce the "fade" effect and make it a bit more solid, now her fringe is a lot thicker so I might have to go back on it but it's no biggie.
Besides those fixes I'm pretty done with her, will rig soon.
more pics + 3D viewer here: https://www.artstation.com/artwork/gJ9nne
She's been tons of fun to work on, besides the Marvelous workflow I got the chance to work on a few props and piece of clothing which were pretty cool to work on.
Now where the hell was I