Hi, How can i make this look better?

I want it to look like it belongs in an adventure fantasy game. Made it without reference from imagination. Planning to make a mystical night forest scene to frame him in. Any words of wisdom will be greatly appreciated!

Thanks for looking.
I found this handpainted fox and I think it's awesome!
Also look at some other handpainted models that has fur like this cat (there's a bunch of handpainted stuff on pinterest)
Its also good to watch some handpainted tutorials (Even if they are not characters) But there's a good one here of a dragon
In terms of modelling, I think the legs are a bit too big for his body (But I'm not sure, just grab a bunch of fox
Here's a tutorial on how to draw a fox, but I think they break it down very good to understand the proportions of a fox, it might be useful
I don't know which style you are going for so I don't know if this would be relevant, but I hope it helps!
Get real reference photos of a fox, measure the proportions, and get those fixes in before you even begin to think about texturing issues or rigging. Bad model can't be saved by perfect texturing.