Hey guys, I'm working on a handpainted fox character. My plan is to pose him and put him in a small, but detailed environment diorama.
Here's where it is currently, a couple hours of painting over my baked + gradient mapped diffuse. I've just started adding fur, trying to find a happy medium for the level of detail -- I don't want to overwhelm the texture with tons of pointy fur triangles (like I currently have inside the ears), but I want at least some subtle low-contrast fur present on most of the model. I have several hours of rendering all over until the diffuse is done -- some parts are pretty much untouched at the moment (legs and belly).

I sculpted the body from a sphere in zbrush, did retopo in 3Dcoat, and then pulled the lowpoly back into zbrush for some quick projected and sculpted details. Mostly I just wanted a base for fur direction/fur thickness and basic features -- I knew I'd paint over it very heavily, so I didn't need a super perfect bake. The legs and tail here are a bit dense, I'm going to delete some edgeloops now that I have my bakes done.

I've started sketching what I might have on my diorama. I'm thinking two birch trees, layered grass, a small scattering of rocks, fireflies, and a snippet of painted night sky. I think I want some more pinkish/reddish to break up the green on the grass, so maybe I'll add falling leaves or some flowers.

That's what I've got right now. Any critique or suggestions are much appreciated -- I'm trying very hard to not work in vacuum.
"New" is what I ended up with after getting some crit from kind folks. I think its getting closer, but I still feel like its lacking contrast or something to tie it in with the body more...
I ended up pulling out some geo for the larger tufts of hair near the end of the tail. It adds some dimension and gave me recessed/layered areas to bring in the maroon and purple tones from the rest of the body. Finally mostly happy with it. I still have to touch up the navy and cream parts of the diffuse, but I'm going to go ahead and start posing and modeling the diorama pieces next.
Posing today. Decided to add a little elevation to the pose to get a more graceful flow throughout the body. I'm not 100% happy with it yet, I think the body may be too straight? Any feedback would be appreciated.
Pretty much done. I changed up the foliage and base a billion times while working and it didn't really come together until this past weekend. As you can see I took the advice to brighten up the fox's eyes and paint out the dark seams on his back.
I'd love any feedback on these first renders, I feel like they could definitely be better. I'm rendering in Marmoset 3.
Sketchfab and Additional Renders:
Forgot to turn off the vignette in marmoset for some of these closer screenshots, so they ended up looking super instagram filter-y. I'll retake them for my website.
Fox texture map, for those interested. 1024x1024.
I'll probably do one more post with updated renders and breakdowns and then call this one done.
On the diorama I think the dirt under the grass feels a bit neglected, and the way it quite harshly fades to nothing is a bit jarring. Also you could perhaps add some nice height and interest to the diorama with some more elements, such as maybe a tree or the moon or something to ground it a bit more? Then you could do some cool lighting too. Depends on how far you want to go into making a full diorama rather than just a character on a bit of scenery. You could also maybe add some more gradients to your foliage?
I'm planning on eventually bringing this in-engine to play with some shaders and particles, so I'll definitely make some major composition changes in this direction for that
I'll definitely give more love to the plants and grass, and you and @Optinium both said the same thing about the tail, so I'll do another pass and soften those transitions.
Thanks for the great feedback guys!