Welcome to our Project: Star Bounty
Please feel free to post critique, advice, links as we would love to hear what you have to say.
Team Members who are: PM me if you would like to help
Environment Artist: Clarence Munji
Effects Artist: Kidman Lee
Character Artist: Manouk Manoukian
Generalist Artist: Nabin Phauja
Creature Artist: Patricia Lopes
team have come together to produce a project that we all have wanted to
make for a long time, We will be keeping you updated as the weeks go
by and thanks again for taking the time to read this post.
Most of the initial Progress for this project can be seen by clicking
here. The video below here is our first attempt at the Vertical Slice.
I am primarily working on the Environment assets, I have spent some time before my final semester to jump start myself through some initial asset creations and research under
here. Below is my current status of my Environments.
Encountered this strange effect by plugging in a panning node and seriously offsetting the UV coords of a Texture and this came out.
This level used to be a day time setting but I have been doing almost all my scenes in a day time scenario and went with a more dusk like purple colour scheme.
Some simple sand gust to help the environment feel a little more alive.
Level03D - The Grassy Level, the main level that most of the so called vertical slice was trying to demonstrate, I am trying to push this level as much as I can.
This area used to be a cave portion as seen in the Vert Slice video above, however I decided to wipe it out and turn it into an open vista point area. I am encountering problems here but that is probably me still trying to build it out, I will probably end up pushing stuff in the back ground farther back and deepen areas in the mid ground to exaggerate the scale.
I understand that I could work more on the assets but I have had to balance what I could pull out as an overall and as far as my Environment Art skills would take me however I would still very much like to push what I currently have for this final year Project!
The trooper character is finally in the scene. I plan on coming back to this character to make a higher detail model as well as better optimisation. For now, I am working on other assets to clear my mind and come back stronger
I also have plans for a female trooper to explore real time skin, adding variety into the scene. Quick render to see how things are shaping up.
Ship - update
Using Clarence's proxy model and overview, I've made a concept model of the air ship. Most of the detail will be contained on the underside as this will be the main viewpoint from the player.
Butterflies FX
I was having a problem with wings flap. I got help from Andreas Glad, he told me to do the vertex paint with the wings. Then it works at the end.
Falling Fire Trail
from Venom
from Halo
This is the basic one I made.
I use Ribbon Data in Particle System to make the fire trail.
And then I change the texture and the material.
This is the newest update of the Fire Trail. Except chaning the texture and material, I also add flare by referencing Venom and Halo to showing the strong light fire.
Environment by Clarence Munji
Character by Manouk Manoukian
I want to make some energy streaming out from the planet, this effect base on the mesh you see below.
And then adding the material to the mesh using panner to create the motion.
Adding some particles effect to strengthen the effect.
This is how it looks like after putting the particles effect and the mesh together.
Because it is not interesting while the mesh is stuck right there, so I decided to use the particle system.
This effect is not finished yet and I will keep updating my progress.
New update of the fireball effect. I change the texture and adjust a bit of the material.
I did a new thruster for the ship. Most of the time use to change and adjust texture and material to get the best result.
Final Result (below)
I got two layers of the trail, one for the thruster, another one for the flame.
I am working on a missile effect, so I am making a mesh of missile. Take me some time to do research and model. But still, haven't finished yet. I only got a basic rough texture, so I am going to finish that by tomorrow.
[Picture from Leroy Jones]
[Picture from Marcus Trolldenier]
[Picture from Evan Whitefield]
My Work
Feels like I need more detail. I will do it tomorrow, hope I can finish the missile in one day then I can start working on my effect.
This is the final texture. I will start the effect tomorrow.
In Unreal Engine
Rough texture to see how the ship's shape holds up in-engine
Feedback notes :
-Adjust the engine so that the combustion lights are more visible.
-Adjust texture roughness to add matte stealth feel body.
-Wing tips too square, reshape and adjust angle of tips, breaks the silhouette.
-Allow more empty space between the wings for better silhouette.
-Body to wing ratio too small, make body wider.
If you see any other issues, please make a comment
Effect Update:
Spending the whole day to making this smoke by using Fume FX. Have been testing and rendering which takes so many times. I will do a flipbook tomorrow then jump into Unreal!
Effect Update:
I tried the flipbook that I made in Fume FX but it doesn't work well so I change to use other texture to do the smoke.
Then about the Fire Flame, I was quite confused about making a new one.
This is the one I was making for the missile. But I give up on it because it is not a good combination with the smoke.
Turns out I use the same one that I did for the ship thruster which combines better than the new one.
Final (Smoke+Fire Flame)
Fast Version
Continue with the Streaming Pillar today
It is done for now, might be improve a bit more later.
Hi all, I have been working on the playable character for Project Star Bounty from the concepting phase all the way up to creating a game ready playable asset. You can find a lot of the concept art I did for this project over at my Artstation (Manouk Manoukian). Below is my current progress of the character.
This is the current state of the character in UE4
This is the current state of the character within Marmoset Toolbag. The character is currently at 30k Tris. This number will increase however once I end up adding the hair strands (coming out of the hood), the eyeballs and exterior armour for the character. Below is her so called base suit of which armour will be added on top. There are also a few baking issues with this current mesh so I may have to separate some objects and bake them individually. In particular the metal plates that encompass the hood may have to be extracted and baked separately.
Wireframe (30k Tris)
Effect Update:
This is my work from yesterday, trying to do a new thruster effect for the new ship.
Aircraft and environment update
Sorry haven't been posting for a while, not as much progress as I would like for the aircraft but here is the latest refined shape. Made the tail connection thicker, rear tail fin adjustable, engines are now integrated to the wings.
The disadvantages of this are
- Less storage in the wings requiring more wing length
- Wings are more likely to be damaged if the engines are damaged
- Harder servicing
However we have a second wing for all that
Advantages are
- Streamlined flow, less drag
- Thrust is more centered
I've been spending most of my time learning world machine and hope to incorporate it properly into our project but in the mean time I have to put this on hold for an essay. =(
Hey everyone!
New addition here, I'll be working on some creatures for the project.
The first one is a bison-based beast that needs to look non-threatening, so I made mood board compilations of mainly herbivores:
Then I sculpted a few parts to figure out the general shape:
Played a bit with blendshapes:
And started to flesh out muscle structure, I mixed a bit of buffalo with rhino so the skin folds would make more sense:
Effect Update:
I am doing FX for another group at the same time, so I just get back to work on new FX for our group.
Here is the smoke puff effect when the drop pod hits the ground. I didn't make it too detail since we will only see it from far away.
Effect Update:
Fog Sheet
I made a new fog to replace the original one and there is more control in Blueprint.