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Renderman textures not showing in the Maya viewport

polycounter lvl 2
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laylala polycounter lvl 2

Hello Polycount,

I'm having trouble with Renderman, the textures I applied are rendering fine but they are not showing in the Maya viewport. Simply changing the colour slide bar does not show either. Pressing 6 does not work. 

I tested with Lambert and PxrSurface material and pressed 6, the object with Lambert shader shows the texture but Renderman shader does not show any texture. 

I feel like I'm missing something simple here.. how can I make Renderman shader visible in the Maya viewport? 


  • oglu
    Offline / Send Message
    oglu polycount lvl 666
    Use renderman as viewport render. 
  • laylala
    Offline / Send Message
    laylala polycounter lvl 2
    @oglu Thank you for your reply.
    Is that the only way to show the textures? I'm not looking into viewport rendering, I simply want to check to see how the textures are applied on my model in the viewport without rendering every single time. 

    (0:02) I want to be able to see the textures applied on the model like this robot in the video without rendering it. 


  • laylala
    Offline / Send Message
    laylala polycounter lvl 2
    Okay, I think I know what's wrong but still can't figure out how to proceed from here,

    When I apply a new PxrSurface to a model, I somehow also get lambert material connected to the PxrSurface4SG.
    When I apply textures on both nodes only Lambert material seems to be working. If I delete the Lambert node, everything changes to green although I still have the Pxr shader connected to the shading group.

    How can i get rid of that lambert material so that I can only use Pixar shader?  

  • oglu
    Offline / Send Message
    oglu polycount lvl 666
    The lambert is ignored for rendering its for the viewport. In feature film you often have two texture sets. One small baked for the viewport and one with hundreds of UDIMs or ptex. 
  • TheMuffinMan9
    You probably already have the answer by now, but just for anyone who reads this, in order to do what oglu is saying and is the solution click on Renderer next to Panels on the lowest tool bar and then change from Wiewport 2.0 to Renderman.
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