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Alteration - The Cycle Of The Persistence

Good morning, everyone!

I'm Inon Siner. I am a French science fiction writer. I have been working for almost 2 years on a project called "Alteration" and here is a short summary : 

" Centuries after the fall of the Earth, humanity now thrives through the stars. In the era of The Persistence, men have created the persistents,
a new generation of human beings capable of freeing themselves from the constraints of life in space and seeking only one thing: to unlock all the secrets of the universe.

Alteration tells the story of this new society, from its advent to its fall. "

I'm here today to share my work with you ! I wouldn't talk about my stories or my music ( I'd be off-topic I think and I don't want that) but only the 3d environments I create for the Alteration universe. 

If you go on my website, you'll can see a wiki and in this wiki, there is a section called "planets" in which I will illustrate all the planets colonized by The Persistence.

Today, I start with the planet "SAMA". This planet is the place where my short novel " The Waiter " takes place. To do that, I use World Creator 2 and Terragen.


Name : Sama 
System : SINEON 
Type : Telluric 
Weather : Wet 
Colors : Purple / Blue / Red 
Fauna : Submarine 
Flora : Rich & Submarine 
Status : Colonized 
Particularity : Unique super continent

If you have questions, do not hesitate and if I'm not in the right section, tell me :)

Have a good day !
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