So I have had these exploratory Ideas in my head for awhile and I finally have been sitting down and creating the foundational elements for UE4 actor based music-nodes. RIght now its all visuals and no music, however I figured i'd start this thread to show some of the neat stuff I try out as I go along for a few hours each week. The overarching goal is to get a scene setup that can either play music based off of the nodes or sync up the nodes to a composition of sorts. Either way.. this stuff is super exciting to me. Another note is I am recording as much as I can live on
Twitch and as a video locally with separate audio tracks so that I could potentially edit a little series together if people are interested.
Initial Super Quick test with linking actors together.
First test at spline-based links with hierarchical instanced static meshes along the splines to allow for further editing the spline paths in the future... Potentially could be done with with spline meshes instead, but I wanted to see how complex things got with HISM's. The answer is it got complicated really quick.
The basic linkage is simple atm.
It just asks for a paren't node to be hooked up to with a limit of only 1 parent per node. I think I'd like to expand this as I go however.
Lastly.. I think this image is funny because it actually really helped me sort out logic on how to animate the HISMs
Double lastly, if you have any cool ideas, feedback, or images/videos that could be helpful that would be greatly appreciated and is also highly encouraged due to the fact that I don't want to be in a bubble! Unless it is like cool bubble effects ...that get bigger and when they pop they drop the bass... *writes down in notes*
Full Write up here!
If anyone has any ideas, suggestions, feedback, or questions in general I'd be appreciative of them and be happy to answer!
I did a bit more of a write up for the video above going over some of the systems stuff and visuals a little bit.
- Adding Nodes
- Copy Nodes
- Editing Node details including Pitch, Velocity, Volume, Duration, Reverb, Filtering
I made a thing inside of the thing I am making O.O
Utilizing all this, I was able to finally make something from scratch using only in-game UI which ended up getting me something that I am pretty happy with! Any feedback, questions, critiques are super welcome!SEQUENCE NODES.
Editing Sequence nodes.
Bringing it all together.
The undo redo system.
What's next?
After that, modulators are going to be what I think brings the "Fun" into the gameplay for people who don't want to create as much. The ability to take something like the composition above and mess with how it sounds by moving modulation nodes around... could be super fun and interesting!
Mix Universe is what this is called now!
So I haven't posted on here regularly, but I just want to throw out there that I have been working on this still and have documented a few things along the way. I used to post on polycount quite regularly awhile back but fell off the bandwagon a bit.
To jump straight to it, here is the official trailer for Mix Universe!
You can try it out right now if you'd like in an early playtest form testing the create mode.
And here is the most recent update for the early playtest.
Also some fun screenshots.
As you can see this thing.. somehow evolved into an actual playable musical sandbox. I don't think when I started I thought I would keep at it the way I have, but it keeps me constantly curious solving technical challenges and itching at the part of me that wants to make music fun!
I want to do a write up going over Metasounds, Quartz, and Hooking up the visuals and am closing in doing so hopefully by the end of next month. If there is anything in particular that you'd like to know about please let me know and I can make sure to try and touch on it!
Some fun stats that may or may not make you cry. I've spent around an average of 20 hours a week on this for 3+ years at this point... which means roughly around 1000 hours a year totaling a whopping 3000+ hours of time... As a side project... while working a game dev job... It's become a huge part of my life. There have been many ups and downs and truthfully I do it because I enjoy it and plan on keeping at this particular project for at least another year after early access launch.
Finally I would love feedback if you do end up checking it out!
If you hate it, please tell me why! Hit me!